10 strange information about the Nobel Prize

The eyes of the world are turning to Sweden this week, awaiting the completion of the winners of the Nobel Prizes, the most famous and exciting competition.

He announced that three scientists (American and Swiss) won this year’s physics award for their contribution to a better understanding of the emergence of the universe and the “position of the earth in the universe.” And Japanese to develop their “lithium-ion” batteries.

While observers await the announcement of the Nobel Prizes in literature, peace, and economics, it is worth paying attention to the history of this prestigious award, and to stop at ten information about the award may seem strange:

1 – The prize was founded on the will of the Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite, but many may be unaware of the story.

It is said that a French newspaper mistakenly published the news of Nobel’s death under the title of “Death of a Merchant of Death”. To invest his wealth and allocate its profits to rewards that benefit humanity so that generations remind him of the best of death. Alfred Nobel died of a stroke in 1896, and his will was implemented to fulfill his wish.

2 – French poet Renier Soleil was the first winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1901, thus starting from the first season criticism of the donor academy, where Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy was the most likely candidate in the opinion of most writers of his era.

3 – Winners whose names are announced are required to present a letter at the award ceremony. There are very strict and precise rules for selecting winners' clothes and ceremony ceremonies, including a dinner and a dancing concert. The text of the letter must be delivered to the Nobel Academy more than 24 hours in advance to allow it to be translated into Swedish, and possibly also to be scrutinized.

4- The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre rejected the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1964 and presented the media with a letter explaining its reasons, including his rejection of all forms of institutions.

5- In 1988, the physicist Leon Lederman sold his prize to an unknown person through the auction house to cover the expenses of his treatment of dementia. He received $ 765 thousand for it, which shocked and saddened the scientific community.

6- Contrary to what many believe, the awards are not always awarded for scientific discoveries or achievements that occurred in the same year, but the average time difference between 20 and 30 years, and the longest waiting time of 50 years when he received the award of medicine in 1966 for his work On viruses that can cause tumors.

7- In 1953, it was announced that the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature after writing his memoirs of World War II in 12 volumes. The award was compensation to Churchill, who was a strong candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize eight years earlier and did not win.

8- The 1997 Nobel Prize for Economics was awarded to US economists Robert Merton and Meron Scholes in recognition of their opening up new horizons in economic valuations, according to the academy’s statement, but the funds and financial companies that have applied their theory have lost billions of dollars. Experts.

9- Nine months after taking office, former US President Barack Obama was surprised to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. He himself was surprised, and many were surprised by the decision, given that Obama had achieved little to achieve peace and was not yet completed. His first year at the White House.

10- Last year, the Nobel Prize for Literature was withheld after a sex scandal that rocked the Swedish Academy, where 18 women made sexual harassment allegations against French photographer Jean-Claude Arnaud, who is married to a former Academy member.

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