Medical mind-reading brain scanners to ask patients who cannot speak

Doctors are using brain scanners to ask patients who cannot speak about their treatment wishes When a person sustains a severe brain injury that leaves them unable to communicate, their families and doctors often have to make life-or-death decisions about their care for them.

Five habits that lead to belly fat

The German Nutrition Association reported that there are some wrong habits that lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, including: 1- Lack of sleep Lack of sleep causes the body to produce more steroid hormone cortisol, which is responsible for cravings to eat and to reduce the level of cortisol you should sleep for between seven and eight hours at night.

Intermittent fasting advantages and the right method for you

Intermittent fasting or part-time fasting is not only the ideal introduction to ketosis, but it also has several advantages for your performance and performance. You can find out about the effects of skipping a meal every now and then and which method you can use to start intermittent fasting.

The discovery leads to drugs targeting dozens of types of cancer

By turning off genes one by one, researchers from the United Kingdom and the United States have targeted cancer with new drugs. The author, Sean Lintern, said in a report in the British newspaper “The Independent”, that scientists have made an important step towards developing new drugs that target specific genes within dozens of types of cancer.

Has Alzheimer's disease ended? Invented artificial neurons instead of lost brain cells

Scientists have invented artificial neurons that can be implanted in the brain to repair damage from Alzheimer’s disease or other neurodegenerative conditions. In a report published in the British Telegraph newspaper, writer Sarah Knapton said that the electronic cells developed by teams at the University of Bath and a team of international collaborators are placed on a silicon chip and mimic the responses of biological neurons when they are powered by the nervous system.

9 Successful Steps to Quit Smoking Electronic Cigarettes

You may have heard that e-cigarette smoking causes fatal lung disease for its users. If you are ready to quit, these strategies will help. In her report published by The Healthy website, author Andrea Barbalic said that the dangers of smoking e-cigarettes are becoming more pronounced for medical experts and the general public.

What are coffee diseases?

Coffee is a popular drink, and some people say they can’t imagine living without it, but drinking too much can lead to “caffeine poisoning”. Dr. Walid Sarhan, a Jordanian psychiatrist, says that coffee is a favorite international beverage, which is surpassed only in oil by international trade.

46 health myths most people believe in

We all heard at some stage in our lives some advice from our parents, family or friends that we looked after to appear that it is totally false, maybe even the opposite of truth, people to transfer a lot of talk mouth to mouth without checking after it, we tried in this article to compile a list of the most common myths people believe in.