How win a journey around the world at the lowest cost

In spite of the images and experiences infested with social networking sites for those who decided to travel around the world and enjoy learning about different cultures, the dream of travel we see is a crazy dream that remains unattainable despite the existence of companies that help in this and the presence of what deserves adventure around the world, and therefore we gathered everything you need if I decided to take a trip that could last for months around the world.

Do emotions have the same meaning around the world

The debate between culture and biology – with regard to our emotions – has a prominent place in scientific and philosophical discoveries, there are those who suggest that some feelings have left an evolutionary imprint in the neural biological structure of the human race, while others see that far from being global, emotions are cultural structures that we learn their meanings Of social inferences.

Improve the performance of the mind and Protect your memory from early Alzheimer's

Brain training has already become a trend, especially after the emergence of appropriate courses and programs aimed at spreading this approach between people. The mind is just like the body, the brain needs training in order to grow and remain in good condition, to protect our cognitive abilities from deterioration.

Tips for protection from radiation of smartphones

The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection has recommended some preventive measures to protect against the risk of radiation from smartphones. German experts explained that the first of these measures is not to use mobile phones in places where the network is weakened: the weaker the telephone network, the greater the need to operate the phone more powerful.

A world full of enslavers and criminals .. Unknown crimes in the high oceans

French newspaper Le Figaro has reviewed a book by journalist Ian Urbina, who was fortunate to carry out an investigation into outlaws on the high seas, after two years of work as a reporter for The New York Times, and then another two years in which he left the newspaper and funded his investigations through the publisher of his book.