46 health myths most people believe in

We all heard at some stage in our lives some advice from our parents, family or friends that we looked after to appear that it is totally false, maybe even the opposite of truth, people  to transfer a lot of talk mouth to mouth without checking after it, we tried in this article to compile a list of the most common myths people believe in.

1-Exercise is bad for pregnant women. (Unless it’s really, really, really super-mild like walking at a slow pace.) after researching this we found that most of the exercises are totally safe for a pregnant woman, just keep in mind that overdoing something is always bad for pregnant and no pregnant, so people need to just care about their program and choose the one that suits their physical condition. Here is a list of the safest and most productive activities are swimming, brisk walking, indoor stationary cycling, step or elliptical machines, and low-impact aerobics.

2- The wedding ring is worn on the left fourth finger is because it is the only finger with a vein connecting to the heart. actually all fingers have veins and all veins connect to the heart., this is a pure myth traveled for many many years from generation to another and until today still believed in by a large number of population. 

3-  That sit-ups and crunches target abdominal fat. Sorry but there is no such thing as spot fat removal unless you mean lipo. It is not possible to target a specific place to reduce fat, the body doesn’t work that way when we are trying to burn fat by exercising our body have a very specific cycle when it comes to where to get the necessary fat to burn for the needed energy. the science show that muscle grows in an area doesn’t burn the fat in that area but it takes the energy from all over the body.

4-That you need to do a detox diet/cleanse to flush out the toxins from your body.  Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of complementary medicine at Exeter University, “there are two types of detox: one is respectable and the other isn’t.” The respectable one, he says, is the medical treatment of people with life-threatening drug addictions. “The other is the word being hijacked by entrepreneurs, quacks, and charlatans to sell a bogus treatment that allegedly detoxifies your body of toxins you’re supposed to have accumulated.”. In the medical field what we hear today as detoxing is just nonsense, there is no such a thing, working out regularly and eating healthy is the only way to get in shape.

5- Low-fat products are better for you than full-fat products. An expert in nutrition says: The fattening effects of dietary fat depend entirely on the context. A diet that is high in fat but low in carbs leads to more weight loss than a low-fat diet. so it is context bounded and everyone should pursue what works for him or her. there is no exact formula for weight-loss or for what is good for everyone, our bodies have many factors that may change from one person to another.

6- If you crack your knuckles, you’ll get arthritis. A number of studies follow up the myth trying to find some evidence that confirms this myth but in vain, they found no single evidence that supports this saying. So, it’s a myth. Cracking your knuckles does not cause arthritis. (Sorry mom.)

7- Having lots of sex makes your vagina lose, this is not true at all as the tightness of a woman’s vagina depends on other factors. by nature vagina is very elastic it can stretch to accommodate any incoming thing, but having a lot of sex has nothing to do with its elasticity, the factor that really affects how loose is your vagina are mostly age or having children.

8- That sugar makes kids hyper. And everyone I try to set straight tells me about how THEIR kids are the exception. No, they’re fucking not, you just suck at science. “If you look at the peer-reviewed evidence, we cannot say sugar absolutely makes kids hyper; however, you can’t discount that sugar may have a slight effect” on behavior, said Kristi L. King, a senior pediatric dietitian at Texas Children’s Hospital and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

9- Being muscular and ‘being healthy’ is the same thing. Bigger muscles aren’t always better and bulking up may not have much to do with being healthy says UK based celeb trainer Nick Orton.

10-Washing your hands in hot water kills more germs than cold water. I actually had someone unfriend me on facebook over this. She was concerned because the power was out and her child couldn’t wash his hands ‘properly’ after using the bathroom because there was no hot water, so every time this kid had to pee she would have him wait, and then heat up water with a hot plate for him to wash. I thought I was doing a favor by letting her know there is no real difference between using hot and cold water when handwashing, and even cited an article from the Smithsonian. She told me not to tell her how to raise her child and blocked me. Oh well.

11-  That whacking the old mole leads to blindness. It’s the hours spent searching for porn in the darkness that does it. Just kidding but this myth is truly hilarious, anyway, this is a myth and those two things have nothing to do with each other.

12- Carrots are good for your eyesight. This myth was invented by the British RAF during World War II to cover up the fact that they had invented radar. I know this sounds crazy, but hey, truth is the truth.

13- Vitamin C cures a common cold or helps shorten the duration of a cold. I just graduated with a degree in food and nutrition and it was always drilled in my head from multiple professors that vitamin C does not cure a common cold as so many believe. It’s a marketing ploy by companies to sell cold products and it a high success rate. Whenever they slap the “vitamin C” on the front of their label they are able to sell more because a lot of consumers are misinformed. If I learned anything over the years, don’t trust the FRONT of the label. They’re trying to sell you something and will say next to anything to get you to buy it. The back of the label (ingredient list) is where they have to be as accurate as possible. Yes, if your vitamin C stores are low then taking it would be recommended, but most people living in Western countries don’t have this problem. Taking mega doses of vitamins (unless otherwise instructed from your doctor) is pretty much paying for expensive pee, especially with water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C. The best way to get your vitamins is through food. There is a UL (upper limit) for vitamin C, but it is unlikely to overdose on it. A cold virus cannot be cured, you just have to let it run its course. Drinking plenty of fluids, sleeping, and eating right can help your body fight it off faster. From the research I’ve done in college, zinc can help shorten the duration of a cold. I’m on mobile and will link it later.

14- Quitting cigarettes is difficult. I’ve done it hundreds of times. Nicotine which is the addictive substance in a cigarette can be disposed of from the body in just a few days, so the rest is a question of willpower.

How to Quit Smoking Plan (Step-By-Step) A step by step plan to help you quit smoking. You will find guidelines, best practices, facts and tips to help you successfully reach your goal. The basic steps of quitting are the following:

15-  Being outside in the cold can make you catch a cold or flu. Many people associate cold weather with the common cold. While the weather is not directly responsible for making people sick, the viruses that cause colds may spread more easily in lower temperatures, and exposure to cold and dry air may adversely impact the body’s immune system.

16-   If you feel better after an illness, you can stop taking your prescribed antibiotics - after all, it’s better that you take as few drugs as possible, right? Well actually, stopping your antibiotics too soon leads to a few nasty germs slipping through the cracks and building a resistance to the treatments, meaning that we now have big mean super-bugs to deal with instead of the average-bugs of yesteryear.

17-   Vitamins/Health Supplements are always good for you and will always affect you positively.

18- Organic food is more healthy than ordinary food.

19-  That you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. I believe it was misinterpreted from a study that included water found in the food you eat as well as fruit juice, coffee, etc. On the same vein, the idea that “if you’re feeling thirsty, it’s already too late” and it means you’re dehydrated, which is just nonsense.

20- Waiting an hour after eating to swim. I’m still mad at all the swimming I missed out on as a kid.

21-  Going out with wet hair will make you sick. Studies show that having your hair cold and damp doesn’t make you more susceptible to coming down with a case of the sniffles.

Here is a video for additional myth concerning sleep and healthy sleep YT

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