Using food .. 6 ways to combat stress and improve mood

When we are frustrated or stressed, we are eager to eat chocolate to modify our mood. But the truth is that the feeling of chocolate is short-lived, making us worse off than before.

In a report published on Health24, writer Jessica Pieters explains that the “quick fix” of sugars consumption is not working.

Vector responsible for happiness There are four neurotransmitters that make us feel comfortable, namely, endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. Modern medicine research focused on serotonin and found that its decline causes mood disorders such as depression.

Learn about some foods that contribute to the natural production of serotonin, including:

1 – Foods rich in tryptophan It is recommended to take a small amount of tryptophan amino acids (grams only), which turn into molecules and increase serotonin levels. You can find grams of tryptophan at:

200 grams of soybeans. 200 grams of protein. 200 grams of ricotta cheese. 300 grams of fish, along with banana, avocado, and tomato.

2 – attention to intestinal health 80-90% of the production of serotonin occurs in the intestine, so attention to its health contributes to the adjustment of mood. You can improve gut function by:

Drink four to six glasses of water a day. Eat foods high in fiber. Eat foods that contain yeast, or probiotics.

3 – Monitor blood sugar Irregular blood sugar affects your mood. You may feel uncomfortable, tired, unable to concentrate, cravings for sugars, and to keep your sugar level stable:

Eat regular meals and avoid skipping any meal. Avoid foods rich in sugar and white flour. They are replaced by other unhealthy carbohydrates that contain a higher percentage of fiber, such as fresh fruits and vegetables (with little fruit consumption), barley, brown rice, lentils, beans, chickpeas, sweet potatoes, and corn. Eat fewer sugars than usual.

4 – Do not excess caffeine Caffeine is a stimulant that increases anxiety and affects the regularity of sleep, and therefore mood, so you should:

Reduce caffeine consumption to less than 300 milligrams per day. The most important caffeine-rich beverages are green tea and instant coffee. Consume alternative caffeine-free drinks such as rooibos tea and herbal teas in the afternoon and evening.

5 – Feed on omega-3-rich foods Multiple polyunsaturated omega-3 diets have been shown to reduce inflammation and reduce mood disorders such as depression.

These fats help alleviate neuritis and develop the structural structure of cell membranes and ensure their safety.

Fatty fish such as salmon and sardines are an important source of fatty acids.

If you don’t prefer fatty fish, take omega-3 supplements.

6 – Maintain moderate magnesium levels High levels of magnesium ensure deep sleep, by maintaining healthy levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep.

Spending a good night’s sleep will positively affect a person’s mood. Foods that contain magnesium are whole grains such as barley or buckwheat, nuts, legumes, and green leafy vegetables.

Finally to maintain a moderate mood, eat foods that stimulate serotonin production and improve bowel health and blood sugar levels as much as possible. In addition, try to stay away from caffeine and at the same time more than consuming fats containing omega-3 and magnesium.

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