8 logical reasons explain why you have to love your enemies

The development of the enemy is sometimes attributed to the differences in the characters and events that led to it, and sometimes other people end up hating you for no reason at all.

We all have enemies, people who are happy to cause us pain and misery.No matter how you have acquired this enemy, you have to learn how to not be disturbed by your enemies, and how to enhance the feelings of love towards them, says the author Tanweer Dhofar in a report published by the website Life Hack.

Learn the reasons why you should already appreciate your enemies:

Practical lesson in anger management Your enemies are the best people to help you understand and manage your feelings of anger. Your enemies are likely to show your worst in anger, but they will also help you manage that anger.

Anger management is more effective when practiced rather than in theory. Your enemies play the role of therapists you need but don’t really want them. As long as you may want to hate them, this is an opportunity to control your anger.

An opportunity for sound competition You may not know the truth of this, but your enemies are great competitors because they contribute to harnessing your competitive spirit, and sometimes you may not know or may not even be aware of this competitive aspect until you encounter an opponent.

While doing this it is important to keep in mind that you should not become a worse version of yourself during the competition, and working against an opponent is difficult, and you need to make sure that you do not harm yourself or public morals in this process, sound competition is all you need to get out of this impasse .

Their negative comments help you progress It is true that they do not really have a good thing to say about you, but what they may say out of hate involves some aspect of the truth, and whenever you hear something vicious from an enemy about you you may want to evaluate yourself.

There is a possibility that what this enemy is saying is true, and confronting this fact is a major step to help you become a better person in general. This is yet another testimony to the fact that enemies can be treated in their own way.

Enemies can become powerful allies Your love for your enemies reveals that you are making an effort to interact with them and create an environment of peace between you, and ultimately if you are able to establish common ground between you and fix things you will gain another friend. This will help you work with people in the long run, as well as hone your personal skills.

Gives you the ability to create positivity The fact that there are enemies helps you focus on many positive and good things in your life. Often we neglect what is really important in life. This may be because of our excessive anxiety about the enemies. However, this fact can motivate you to step back and appreciate Good things in your life.

It might just be a misunderstanding It may be that the reason for acquiring an enemy is very simple, and perhaps you are not aware of the interruption of the relationship, then bringing you closer to your enemy will help you understand the whole picture of it.

This step can help you regain your relationship with your enemy and move forward, and it is natural that a misunderstanding occurs, so you need to be able to resolve it.

Teach you to appreciate love as well The presence of enemies also helps you not to consider people who love you for granted.

On the other hand, they need appreciation for what they do for you, so don’t let the hatred that your enemies show to replace love.

Do you really need to hate it? Enemies only reflect poisonous emotions and generate bad reactions from you.

Source: Websites

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