9 Successful Steps to Quit Smoking Electronic Cigarettes

You may have heard that e-cigarette smoking causes fatal lung disease for its users. If you are ready to quit, these strategies will help.

In her report published by The Healthy website, author Andrea Barbalic said that the dangers of smoking e-cigarettes are becoming more pronounced for medical experts and the general public. Inhaling steam from e-cigarettes transports toxic chemicals into the lungs, and in November alone These cigarettes in more than 2051 cases of lung injury and 39 deaths.

This is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns people against using e-cigarette products, especially those that come from the black market because they contain tetrahydrocannabinol. Experts believe the cannabinoid may play a role in the outbreak while continuing to investigate the causes of disease and death.

But if you’re an e-cigarette user, how can you quit smoking, especially since inhalants are addictive?

The Healthy website has invested in research and talked to experts to identify effective ways to stop smoking e-cigarettes.

Do not return to regular cigarettes The first step, according to the CDC, is to avoid smoking cigarettes again. “There are other successful nicotine supplements that have been in use for many years,” says Robert Goldberg, a pneumologist at California Hospital.

Discover alternative options for nicotine The nicotine substitutes are a patch, gum, and nasal nicotine sprays. Dr. Goldberg says it is available over the counter and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

These products can help you control the symptoms of quitting e-cigarettes, and your doctor can help you choose the right product, determine the amounts needed initially, and how to reduce them over time.

Talk to your doctor about medications According to Dr. Goldberg, Wellbutrin reduces the urge to smoke and nicotine addiction. It is an antidepressant but has a secondary effect on brain pathways. Santex can also be used to quit smoking but under the supervision of a doctor.

Announce your intention Dr. Tina Kaufman, an assistant professor of medicine who oversees the cardiac rehabilitation program, recommends telling everyone that you will quit smoking, especially your friends who use e-cigarettes, and not to hang out with them while trying to quit.

Make an appointment to quit smoking Kaufman stressed the importance of choosing a date to quit smoking electronic cigarette, then the night before the start of this decision, clean your home, purse, backpack, pockets, and your car from smoking tools, and use the electronic cigarette for the last time and then get rid of.

Subscribe to text messages The smoking cessation program known as This Is Quitting has helped thousands of teenagers and young people reduce or completely stop their use of e-cigarettes, according to the author.

After users anonymously register via text messages, the program encourages them to discover the reasons for quitting and visualize their lives after stopping using e-cigarettes.

The program recommends specific and concrete actions that encourage users to try smoking cessation strategies in small steps.

Deflect your attention The author explained that you will have a strong desire for nicotine but lasts only ten minutes, according to Kaufman, so if you can distract your mind from it for that period of time, you will be able to overcome it.

Some quit apps offer games you can play for a long time, or you can walk for ten minutes too.

Another type of stress relievers The author explained that many people smoke electronic cigarettes because they are nervous. In fact, quitting e-cigarettes gives you an opportunity to develop other ways to deal with stress. Experts recommend exercise, deep breathing, meditation, or talking to a friend, while you may also want to ask your doctor about acupuncture and hypnosis.

Talk to a counselor The National Institutes of Health provide free personal support by an expert, and the Drug Abuse and Mental Health Services Department provides a toll-free helpline. In addition, your doctor may also refer you to an addiction counselor.

Source: Websites

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