A Scottish company claims to produce a miracle drug that treats diabetes and multiple sclerosis

A Scottish company claims to have a solution that can make fecal transplants more acceptable, by drying healthy bacteria in the feces and putting them in the grain, which opens the door to treatment for many diseases.

In his report published by The Times, the author, Tom Whipple, said that this treatment can cure diseases that lead to death, and achieve results in other cases ranging from diabetes to multiple sclerosis. However, there is a significant barrier to accepting it on a larger scale, as it generally involves eating feces.

The author stated that, according to James McElroy of the Scottish “Enterbiotics” company, their goal is to expand accessibility, increase patient safety, and make stool transplantation more “aesthetically pleasing.”

The writer pointed out that fecal cultivation is one of the great hopes in medicine, as the microbiome, a diverse group of microbes that live in our guts, has been linked to a group of diseases. And when things go wrong, the easiest way to convert an unhealthy microbiome into a healthy one is by taking a sample from someone else. In this regard, Dr. McLaroy said, “Fecal transplants are very effective and can contribute to changing lives.”

the tube Generally, fecal transplants, usually through a tube to the stomach, have altered the treatments of people with recurrent forms of infection caused by streptococcus clostridium bacteria, also known as streptococcus bacillus. For his part, Dr. McElroy said that there are people whose health has been severely degraded by the presence of a damaged microbiome.

The author added that more than 15 thousand people in Britain suffer annually from bacterial infection, as 25% of them do not respond to traditional treatment, which leads to a loss of control of the intestine and often stops leaving the home. These patients are more likely to die from other diseases that affect them as a result. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 10% of people over the age of 65 will die within a month of diagnosis.

Thanks to fecal transplants, it is now possible to treat these people. In this context, Dr. McIlroy said, “It stimulates a person when he is ill,” and is “open to all types of treatment.” This medication is not a regular prescription. Donors, who have been described by Dr. McClroy as “people with high altruism” should be found as their stools are closely examined.

And the author mentioned that this is the reason why Interbiotics is developing a better system, isolating and drying the main bacteria, without killing the microbes, then wrapping them for oral use by the patient.

Overall, McIlroy believes that the company’s program – which cannot be fully described for commercial reasons – may be available in clinical trials over the next year.

Source: Times


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