Ankara warns of a new operation in Syria if Washington and Moscow fail to honor their commitments

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that the United States and Russia did not do what is necessary under the agreements on northern Syria, stressing the need to do so.

In a speech to parliament on Monday, the Turkish minister warned that if there was no result in clearing northern Syria of PKK militants, Turkey would do what it needed again as it did when the peace process was launched.

He pointed out that he reached agreements or joint statements through the negotiation of texts prepared by Turkey, noting that his country reached two agreements with the United States and Russia within five days.

“Have the two countries do what is necessary under these agreements? No, they have not, and they have to do so.

On October 9, the Turkish army, with the participation of Syrian opposition forces, launched Operation Spring in the east of the Euphrates River in northern Syria.

On the 17th of the same month, the Turkish army suspended the operation after Ankara and Washington reached an agreement followed by an agreement with Russia in Sochi on 22 of the same month.

Source: Anatolia Agency

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