Are rich people happier than other people?

A study conducted in the Netherlands said that there is a positive relationship between wealth and contentment in life, and this is not surprising. But, interestingly enough, the experience of happiness enjoyed by the wealthy may stem largely from how they spend their time and not on the things that they buy.

The rich are statistically the happiest person. Looking into the lives of the wealthy is a pleasure full of guilt. As writer Don Teh says in a report published by the American “Medium” website, we love to hate them, browse their Instagram accounts and read what they buy, what they do, and where they go. At the heart of this curiosity is the desire to find an answer to the question: Are they really happier than us?

Consider the lives of the wealthy In the study, published by the Journal of Social Psychology and Personality, researchers surveyed more than eight hundred millionaires in the Netherlands, along with a representative sample at the local level of about 1,200 people. They compared how the two teams spent their time working and in their daily activities, as well as general satisfaction with their lives.

There are fewer differences than expected. For example, when it comes to daily activities, both teams spent the same amount of time cooking and shopping. But the rich spent less time taking care of the children and more time doing housework.

Quality leisure times One of the major differences was the quality of the leisure times in which these groups participated. Although the rich were spending the same amount of time as anyone else in leisure times, they were using that time to do activities such as playing sports, hobbies, and volunteering, as opposed to negative activities such as watching TV, napping, and doing nothing for the other team.

Luxuries for everyone The groups also differed in the way they worked, whereas the wealthy worked the same amount as the general population, they enjoyed more independence in their jobs.

The lesson of this experience is that when financial restrictions are removed, people are attracted to active leisure activities and job independence.

Although money makes these two goals more achievable, low-income people can integrate them into their lives by starting a business project, spending time reading to disadvantaged children, or implementing a creative solution to a problem at work. These luxuries are not for the wealthy, so why not enjoy them now?

Collecting work or pleasure The author concluded by saying that those who “own everything” are not looking for a life without work and duties, but find ways to spend their time purposefully, whether at work or pleasure. They only do this in the most beautiful homes.

Source: Websites

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