Bernie Sanders Gets New Boost From Ex-Rival

Bernie Sanders just got a high-profile endorsement from one of his former rivals for the Oval Office New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio who dropped out of the presidential race himself in September gave the Vermont senator the thumbs-up on Friday which the New York Times notes is the opposite of what he did in 2016 when he endorsed Hillary Clinton over Sanders.

I have called for a bold progressive agenda and that is exactly what senator Sanders has championed for decades DeBlasio said in a statement released by the Sanders campaign adding he’s putting his weight behind Sanders because he stands with working families, the mayor is set to stump with Sanders and Nevada starting Sunday ahead of caucuses there on February 22nd.

CBS News notes that lay CEO is now in a position to push back hard against his predecessor Michael Bloomberg who has been rising in the polls there’s no way in the world we should nominate a billionaire who epitomizes the status quo.

DeBlasio said after Bloomberg announced his candidacy for political de Blasio could prove a useful validator for Sanders due to his fairly large platform as New York’s mayor pushed to fight inequality labor union ties and biracial family however both political.

The Times notes that de Blasio offered his endorsement for Sanders only after the latter’s victory in the New Hampshire primary and neck-and-neck finished with Pete politic in Iowa still de Blasio now appears all in New Yorkers know all too well the damage caused by Donald Trump’s xenophobic bigotry and recklessness and Bernie is the candidate to take him on and take him down the mayor says in the release

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