Coronavirus, the first Italian death: it is one of the two patients from Veneto. He was 78 years old, died in Padua

The first death in Italy from the virus. The man tested positive for Coronavirus died on Friday evening shortly after 22.45. The hospital will be closed and emptied

First died in Italy of Coronavirus: he is a 78-year-old man. The man who tested positive for Coronavirus died on Friday evening shortly after 22.45 in the hospital of Schiavonia (Padua): he is one of the two patients positive for coronavirus in the Veneto region. Governor Luca Zaia confirmed this to the Ansa. At the moment there are fifteen infected in Lombardy, in the Lodi area, and one in Veneto, in the Paduan area.

His name was Adriano Trevisan, 78, the man from Vo Euganeo who died. Former owner of a small construction company, Trevisan had three children, one of whom, Vanessa, had been mayor of Vo ‘. The man, already hospitalized for about ten days for previous pathologies, died on Friday evening at the hospital of Schiavonia (Padua), and not in the hospital of the Euganean capital, as reported initially. “There wasn’t even time to transfer it,” said Governor Luca Zaia.

In the same hours when the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, flew to Milan for the first Italian infections, the Microbiology and virology laboratory of the University of Padua diagnosed the infection in two local elders, 67 and 78 years old, from ten days hospitalized in the hospital of Schiavoni, between Este and Monselice, for what seemed like a serious flu. They frequented the same two bars, now closed by an order of the mayor Giuliano Martini, where they went to play cards.

When the symptoms worsened they underwent pharyngeal swab and in the afternoon the test response arrived: positive. Family members are in home trustee isolation and subject to daily supervision. The governor assembled the crisis unit at the USL Euganea headquarters which, in liaison with Minister Speranza and the head of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli, has taken various measures. “Schiavonia hospital will be closed and emptied in 5-6 days – Zaia said -. No one will be able to enter, nor will the inpatients be discharged before being subjected to a swab ».

To create a sanitary cordon around Vo ‘Euganeo, 4,200 people will face the tampon. To provide logistical support to the USL, the Region has created a task force for doctors and nurses and the Civil Protection is setting up a base camp in Schiavoni. “If we were to have space problems we could rely on schools, which will be empty – said Zaia -. To further protect the entire population of the Veneto region, the coronavirus test will be extended to patients with severe flu.”

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