DIY -- 24 method how to make your own hand sanitizer

Liquid hand sanitizers-mostly alcohol-based gels-have experienced an explosion in popularity over the last 10 years. If you’ve recently traveled by plane or set foot in a classroom in the US, chances are you’ve seen hand sanitizers in use.

Hand sanitizers do not act as a substitute for a comprehensive handwashing process. Alternatively, they are thought to bring some of the advantages of handwashing to customers when handwashing is not practical.

Hand hygiene is a way to clean one’s hands that significantly reduces the possible pathogens (harmful microorganisms) on the hands. Hand hygiene is considered a primary measure to reduce the risk of infection transmission between patients and health care workers. Hand hygiene techniques include the use of alcohol-based hand rubs (containing 60%–95% alcohol) and handwashing with soap and water.

Keep small lotion bottles empty for your purse, wallet, locker, lunchbox, car, changing table or diaper bag to place your home-made hand sanitizer in. It seems we always have small samples of lotions that we use to recycle the bottles so this is a great way.

When you can’t find 99 percent rubbing alcohol, another choice would be to put some rubbing alcohol in a small spray bottle (like the cleaner bottle of eyeglass) and hold it in your pocket. Then just spray on each hand a few times, rub together and you’re done with far less effort and cost.

You can also place this in an old bottle of hand soap pump and keep it on the table. Adorn it, of course!

You can place it in a sweet little plastic container and give it to a germaphobic person as a gift.

Some of the ingredient details

Aloe Vera Gel: Due to its strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties, the Aloe Vera plant is perfect for use in hand sanitizer. But it is perfect for the skin, so burns are also commonly used or healed. That’s going to make your sanitizer thick but optional.

Tea Tree Oil: This is one of the most strong and safe antibacterials available, also known as melaleuca oil. (Natural or not.) Other oils have the same property but I always use a tea tree. Why? For what? Because it will cure MRSA and save the loss of his finger for my friend.

Distilled Water: You can use tap water to mix your sanitizer but it can start putrefying if the mixture is not used up within a few weeks. Tap water fills up with bacteria and possible toxins. Distilled water was stripped of everything so there’s nothing wrong with “going bad.” Therefore it is used in all herbal creations.

Essential oils: While these recipes have your choice of essential oils, you should choose an oil that contains anti-bacterial properties. Otherwise, the whole point of mainly making the hand sanitizer is lost. Examples of essential oils which have strong antibacterial properties are lavender, peppermint, sage, and rosemary.

It’s also important to pick an essential oil you know you’re not allergic to. Essential oil is an extract of the plants. When you learn that you have an allergy to a specific plant form, stop using the sanitizer. They will flow into your pores and enter your bloodstream.

So the first advantage of making hand sanitizer from home is that you are in full control of the ingredients. You don’t have to include the chemicals in the store-bought hand sanitizer can major companies sell. For starters, you could use essential oils instead of chemicals in your hand sanitizer. These not only contain good antibacterial properties but these also effectively moisturize your hand sanitizer and make it feel better when it comes to contact with your hands.

Another benefit when producing hand sanitizer from home is that many of the products are also used in other personal hygiene ventures. If you have any leftover ingredients from hand sanitizer making, you can also use them for any other items that you want to produce.

As for drawbacks, the process of making hand sanitizers will be a little more expensive than buying it ready-made. If you’ve ever purchased a hand sanitizer (from a major company like Purell) before then you know it’s incredibly cheap. Unlike this, buying all of the ingredients individually for your homemade hand sanitizer would add up and cost you more money.

Another downside, albeit a temporary one, is that it requires a lot of practice. To ensure maximum impact you just need the right ratio between your ingredients, including alcohol. The good news is that the procedure will become second nature to you, with enough practice after trial and error.

Why should you make your own sanitizers

For one thing, you know exactly what has gone into it when you’re making your own skincare product. And if you use any of the recipes below, what you’ll get is a chemical-free, naturally scented, then… moisturizing hand sanitizer.

Sure, using a moisturizing hand sanitizer will make a considerable difference. Cosmetic sanitizers often have alcohol in them, which appears to dry out the skin and is just too strong for use by children.

You have wonderful, all-natural homemade moisturizing hand sanitizer with a moisturizing agent included that cleans your hands and smells good without drying out your skin.

You totally have to make your own moisturizing hand sanitizer and cart it around in your diaper bag if you’re a new mum. It’s so easy to ensure that your hands are clean directly after each change of diaper–so much safer and more convenient than looking for a washroom.

Hand sanitizer recipes

Method one


How to make

Into the bowl, add the alcohol and aloe vera gel. Pour the ingredients into the bowl, and mix well using the spoon. The combination should be completely smooth. If you want a smoother solution to add another spoonful of aloe vera. Or just apply another spoonful of alcohol to thin it out.

Stir in the essential oil. Put it in one drop at a time, then mix as you go. Smell the mixture after about 8 drops, to see if you like the smell. Stop right there if it seems solid enough. If you like a better smell, just add a few drops more. Lavender, clove, cinnamon, and peppermint essential oils have the added advantage of giving the mixture additional antiseptic properties.

If you don’t like those scents, use whatever fragrance you’re loving is perfect. Both fit well with lemon, grapefruit, and passion fruit.

Funnel the mixture into the receptacle. Place the funnel above the jar mouth and pour in the sanitizer for the side. Fill it up, then screw it onto the cap until ready to use it. A small squirt bottle works fine if you want to take the sanitizer with you all day long.

Save the remaining sanitizer in a container with a tightly fitting lid, if you make too much for the bottle.

Method two Ingredients

How to make

Stir in aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, and witch hazel. To thicken it, add another spoonful of aloe vera if the mixture seems too thin. If it is too thick, add another layer of witch hazel mix the essential oil in.

Because the tea tree oil fragrance is already solid, go easy on the essential oils that are added. Five or so drops should be enough but mix it in one drop at a time if you want to add more.

Funn the mixture into the receptacle. Place the funnel over the mouth of the jar and pour it in the hand sanitizer. Fill it up, then screw it onto the lid until ready to use it. A little squirt bottle fits well if you want to take the sanitizer with you throughout the day.

Save the remaining sanitizer in a container with a tightly fitting lid, if you make too much for the bottle. Method three Gentle Hand Sanitizer Recipe (Safe for Kids) This non-drying herbal hand sanitizing gel feeds on aloe vera. It is so easy, too, that your kids could help you make it.

Method three Gentle Hand Sanitizer Recipe (Safe for Kids) This non-drying herbal hand sanitizing gel feeds on aloe vera. It is so easy, too, that your kids could help you make it. Ingredients

How to make Combine all ingredients together and store them in a silicone tube that can be used again. Use as necessary to clear germs from the hands, naturally.

Method four Stronger Hand Sanitizer Recipe Try this recipe for a more effective hand sanitizer that works like commercial versions (without the triclosan). If you are working in a hospital, this may be a perfect one for personal use. I wouldn’t use this formula for kids! Ingredients

How to make Mix the aloe vera gel, optional glycerin, and rub alcohol in a small bowl to make. Add essential oil of cinnamon and tea tree oil together with a drop or two of any other oils that you wish to add for fragrance. Great choices include lemongrass, peach, lavender, and peppermint. Mix well and apply distilled water to thin to desired consistency (or colloidal/ionic silver). To pass hand sanitizer into a spray or pump-style bottles, use a small funnel or medicine dropper. That can also be packed for use on the go in tiny silicone tubes.

Use it as you would use any other form of hand sanitizer.

Method five Strongest Homemade Hand Sanitizer Recipe (5 Minute Recipe) Ingredients

How to make Combine all the ingredients and mix them in a spray bottle (this is a perfect size) or in any small bottle. Use as you wish.

Method six Ingredients

How to make The vitamin E oil, witch hazel or vodka, and essential oils are mixed in the spray bottle. Place the sprayer firmly on and shake well to combine for 15-20 seconds. Open the bottle, and fill in water to the rim. Stall sprayer, then shake for 15-20 seconds again. Farewell!

Print the label and stick to the bottle. You can also print the label on regular paper if you don’t have label sheets kicking around, and then use clear packing tape to adhere the label to the bottle using the tape like lamination over the entire label. Spray your hands liberally if you like they need a bit of a deep clean. Rub your hands until dry.

Method seven Ingredients

How to make

In a bowl add the alcohol and aloe vera, and stir until combined. Add some drops of essential oil and swirl to help mask the alcohol scent (optional) Use the funnel to pour the 8-ounce mixture into containers, then mark the contents of the bottles to clearly identify them.

Method eight Ingredients

How to make

Pour the alcoholic isopropyl into a clean tub. Add hydrogen peroxide. Apply any glycerol. Mix the ingredients gently either by stirring or closing, and shaking the bottle gently. Dispense the sanitizer into smaller individual bottles fitted with secure lids.

Method nine Ingredients

How to make

We poured the mixture into 2 oz since our original hand sanitizer recipe used filtered water. Bottle mist. Since the filtered water is omitted from the formula, the mixture may have more of a consistency of the gel, which may work better in pump bottles.

Mix together the alcohol and aloe vera gel in a spout cup and pour the mixture into your glass. Add the essential oil you need, and vitamin E oil (optional). Before each using stir well.

Method ten Ingredients

How to make

Blend materials. Place funnel at the bottle opening and pour in the mixed ingredients. If 99 percent rubbing alcohol is not available, just use less aloe for a thinner hand sanitizer and put it in a spray bottle.

Method eleven Ingredients

How to make

Fill almost complete with Aloe gel of 100 percent. Add oil from the tea-tree. Using 1 to 2 drops of higher quality oil or 6 to 8 an of lesser quality oil for 4 to 6 oz scale. (You don’t need to be precise) Mix well. Adjust for size as needed.

Squeeze your hands with a dime-sized amount of gel and rub in. Use where possible.

Method twelve Ingredients

How to make

Load the distilled water in your spray bottle. Using 1 to 2 drops of higher quality oil for 4 to 6 oz scale, or 6 to 8 drops of lower quality oil. (You don’t need to be precise) Mix well. Adjust for size as needed.

Sprinkle gently on your palms and brush all over. Allow them to air dry. Use whenever you wish.

Method twelve Ingredients

How to make

Load at least 1⁄2 full of distilled water into your bottle Apply gel in Aloe Vera until you like the consistency. Add distilled water, 100 % Aloe Vera Gel, Tea Tree Oil more water if you wish. Using 1 to 2 drops of higher quality oil for 4 to 6 oz scale, or 6 to 8 drops of lower quality oil. (You don’t need to be precise) Mix well. Adjust for size as needed.

Method thirteen Ingredients

How to make

Mix the witch hazel, tea tree oil, and aloe vera gel together and stir with a spoon in a cup. You want the mixture not to be too thick but also not too thin; add a little aloe vera to thicken the mixture and witch hazel to thin it After thoroughly mixing and stirring these three ingredients, you should add at least five drops of your favorite essential oil; lavender and peppermint ar Your hand sanitizer is now ready and all you have to do is open the lid to pour some into your hands, and it will have the same anti-bacterial effect as the one that has been purchased from the shop.

Method fourteen Ingredients

How to make

Combine the aloe vera gel and the alcohol together in a bowl; combine with a spoon until smooth As with the essential oil mixture, you don’t want this mixture to be too thin or too thick; add a little alcohol to thin it or a little aloe vera gel to make it thicker Add at least ten drops of essential oil and start to stir; you can add a few more drops if you can’t smell the scene when stirring. As with the previous recipe, you’ll want to pour the mixture from the bowl into a jar with the aid of a funnel and then screw the lid over the container once you’ve done it. This recipe looks, sounds and smells more similarly like a hand sanitizer purchased from the pharmacy, but it’s all-natural. Check yourself once again for an allergic reaction with essential oil before adding it in this recipe

Method fifteen Ingredients

How to make

In a small glass cup, add the Aloe Vera Gel, Witch Hazel and Vitamin E Oil together, and stir gently until well blended.

Slowly add the essential oils, stirring gently to allow the essential oils to mix with the other ingredients.

Mix a batch into tiny dark-colored squirt bottles or pump-top bottles, and pass your homemade moisturizing hand sanitizer. Choose a size that is easy to keep in the car or slide into your handbag, satchel or backpack. Instead, you might pour the sanitizer’s bulk into a large bottle that you’re keeping at home. Carry bottles from this large bottle replenish your smaller ones.

I strongly recommend using these dark-colored bottles so the essential oils ‘ properties remain intact. They are exposed to light by storing essential oils in light-colored bottles that kill their healing properties. Before each usage swirl the bottle gently. Pour a few drops into your palm, then gently rub your hands together.

Method sixteen Ingredients

How to make

In a small glass cup, add the Aloe Vera Gel and Vitamin E Oil, and swirl the bowl until the gel and oil are well blended.

Slowly add the essential oils, stirring gently to allow the essential oils to combine with the other ingredients.

Move your moisturizing hand sanitizer home-made into a large bottle and cover it with distilled water. Shake vigorously to mix for a moisturizing fresh, citrusy-smelling hand sanitizer.

Before any use shake bottle well.

Apply as appropriate, adding a bit into your palms, and gently rub hands together.

Method seventeen Ingredients

How to make

Mix all ingredients together and switch to a squeeze bottle in dark color. Put a few drops and gently rub your hands to get rid of the germs of course.

Method eighteen Ingredients

How to make

The first thing to do is squeeze all the aloe vera gel out into a small mixing bowl.

Then, add 10 drops of essential oil from the tea tree. Then add a spoonful of witch hazel and stir until well blended. If you want the aloe vera bottle to be reused then you have to get your mixture back in the bottle–which can turn out to be quite messy (but sanitary!).

The best way I found was to pour the sanitizing mixture into a plastic bag, cut out some plastic in the corner, then use it as a frosting bag to spray it back into the bottle.

Method nineteen Ingredients

How to make

In a small bowl, blend equal parts of aloe vera gel and rub alcohol, and mix well together. I used 2 spoonfuls of aloe vera gel with 2 spoonfuls of rubbing alcohol. If using, mix in essential oil. Switch to a bottle of squirt or pump tank. Do not use a spray bottle as this is a mixture similar to a gel.

The hardest part of this recipe was to pass it into my small bottle designed for travel (I ended up using a funnel).

You can make the recipe as big or as small as you want.

Method twenty Hand sanitizing wipes Ingredients

How to make

In a glass bowl, mix water, aloe vera, witch hazel, and essential oil. Cut paper towels off the sheet, and lay them on top of each other. Break the stack in half to cover the paper towels in the plastic container for smaller wipes. Pour over them with oil. Seal and let rest, too, and turn over to soak top layer.

Drain out the tub with excess liquid and reseal.

Such DIY wipes last from 2 to 3 weeks before they need to be replaced. Store in a cool, dry place. Just grab one to use, wipe your hands well, and you’re off.

Method twenty one Ingredients

How to make

First, sprinkle your jar half full with the aloe, then fill it up with water almost to the rim.

Next, apply the oils and blend well to ensure that all the water/aloe mixture is fully incorporated into the oils. If your bottle is not “squeezing”-grab a funnel. I learned the hard way that it was much easier to use a funnel than to try to spoon the sanitizer into the small bottle opening.

The aloe will help soothe the hands and work their magic on germs with the essential oils.

Method twenty-two Ingredients

How to make

Select your tools: a glass jar (to store your extra spray in) and a small spray bottle Place all your ingredients in a jar with a lid and mix well.

Method twenty-three Ingredients

How to make

Mix the isopropyl alcohol in 3 parts to 1 part aloe vera gel. To give it a good fragrance and align your chakras, add a few drops of tea tree oil.

Method twenty-four Ingredients

How to make

Mix with 1 2⁄3 cups of alcohol and 2 teaspoons of glycerol. You can buy glycerol jugs online and this is an important ingredient because it prevents the alcohol from drying your hands out. When you can’t find glycerol, go on anyway with the rest of the recipe and just try to moisturize your hands after the sanitizer is applied.

Mix the hydrogen peroxide in 1 teaspoon, then another 1⁄4 cup of distilled or boiling water. (If you deal with a lower alcohol content solution, use much less water; note, at least 2⁄3 of your final mixture must be alcohol.)

Load the solution into the spray bottles — this is not a solvent, it is a spray. With it, you can also wet a paper towel, and use it as a wipe.

If you need to, you can add your concoction in a splash of essential oil to make it smell nice. Use absolutely no lavender. Everyone else uses lavender and this is equivalent to your sanitizer.

Carrying a hydrating hand sanitizer is a smart idea, particularly during the flu season. Touching the air directly after someone has encountered the flu is one of the fastest ways to contract the horrid flu virus.

What is particularly worrying about this is that you can’t tell whether the doorknob of the store you’ve just entered, the railing on the train or the object you’ve just reached in the grocery store, has been contaminated until the symptoms have manifested.

The best way to avoid the flu epidemic is to always be conscious of proximity.


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