Doctors in Thailand announce discovery of the deadly corona virus treatment

Doctors in Thailand said they had successfully treated one of the patients with the Coronavir virus with a combination of antiviral drugs, according to a briefing yesterday from the Ministry of Health reported by CNN.

Dr. Kriangsak Atipurnanich – a doctor at Rajaveth Hospital in Bangkok – said he had treated a patient with the virus, who was in severe condition, who was transferred to the hospital on January 29 from Wuhan, China.

The doctor explained that he had treated the patient – a 71-year-old elderly woman – with a mixture of drugs used to treat HIV and influenza, and said that she had previously been treated with anti-HIV drugs, and the result was very satisfactory, as her condition improved very quickly within 48 hours.

The doctor also confirmed that the result of the virus examination also changed from being positive (that is, the patient carries the virus) to negative (that the virus disappeared and no longer exists) within 48 hours as well.

Officials at the press conference said that the most recent laboratory test showed that there was no trace of the virus in the patient’s respiratory system.

The drugs used were oseltamivir, an anti-influenza drug used to treat the respiratory syndrome virus in the Middle East (MERS), as well as lopinavir and ritonavir, which are AIDS treatments.

Wuhan The outbreak of the Coronavirus began in Wuhan, in central China’s Hubei province, last December.

The National Health Committee said that the number of deaths in China rose to 361 as of Sunday, an increase of 57 cases from the previous day, and the number of new confirmed cases increased by 2829, bringing the total number to 17,205 injuries, and Wuhan remains in isolation with severe restrictions on travel to it.

At least 171 other injuries have been reported in more than twenty other countries and regions, including the United States, Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Britain.

The World Health Organization declared this outbreak a global emergency but downplayed the importance of restrictions on trade and travel.

Source: agencies, websites

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