Donald Trump mocked by Trudeau's mockery alongside Macron and Johnson

The US president did not appreciate the words of his Canadian counterpart in an informal conversation, captured Tuesday evening by Anglo-Saxon media.

The tone was informal, the faces relaxed. Tuesday evening, in Buckingham Palace, the gratin of the Western Heads of State met to celebrate the 70th anniversary of NATO. Among them, the Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, the Englishman Boris Johnson, the Canadian Justin Trudeau, and the Dutchman Mark Rutter seem to have had a good time.

Only, some laughter seems to have triggered at the expense of their counterpart Donald Trump. According to an exchange, captured by the cameras of British television and subtitled by a Canadian media, it was indeed questioned at a given moment of the whimsical American president.

“We could see his team falling from the clouds” As Macron emerged from an impromptu, muscular press conference with the Republican billionaire, Canadian Trudeau was amused by Trump’s reaction to their president’s comments. “We could see his team falling from the clouds,” he says with a big smile. During this speech, Donald Trump found “very insulting” the words of Macron on NATO, according to him, “in a state of brain death.” On the other hand, it is impossible to understand what Macron says about this video sequence.

As at the last NATO summit, Trump ignored the protocol and used his public appearances with Allied leaders to answer questions from international media.

Trump gets annoyed and shortens his coming This “stolen” sequence has somewhat annoyed Donald Trump. “He is hypocritical. He’s a good guy … but it’s like that, “he lamented Wednesday about Justin Trudeau. The head of state then said he had scolded the Canadian Prime Minister during their interview: “I told him that he did not pay the 2% of his GDP promised for military expenses and I am sure he will be not happy.

He later confirmed that he wanted to “cancel his final press conference”, believing that he had “given enough”.

Donald Trump has a stormy relationship with Trudeau, even more than with Macron. In a G7 in June 2018, the American had treated his counterpart “dishonest and weak” after a release of the latter on US taxes on imports of steel and aluminum in Canada.

By C.Si.

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