Eugenia Cooney heartwarming Return On Shane Dawson Crazy Documentary

So as a lot of you guys have probably seen or maybe you haven’t seen it yet, but I think over half a million people have already and has only been up for a few hours, Shane Dawson just posted a new video after months and not posting anything with Eugenia Cooney, if you don’t know who Eugenia Cooney is she is a YouTuber who has over a million subscribers and her content kind of based around beauty fashion she has like this very Tim Burton aesthetic and style her videos were really cool and she had been recently getting a lot of online bullying because of her weight because she was extremely thin and people were sometimes worried about her health for the right reasons because they just honestly cared about her or they were just making fun of her and making her feel really bad about herself which if somebody is struggling it’s not anyone’s place to try to make them feel bad about themselves what pushes her to disappear from social media life and people was even thinking she is dead.

eugina cooney

eugina cooney

in January she posted a photo of her on her Instagram she still looked very thin and she was just talking about how she had just uploaded an anime look tutorial and has she had been sorry that she had taken so much time off the internet but that she was back but she didn’t really come back she again was gone for a long time and nobody really knew why again people were

eugina cooney

in fact, whenever Shane Dawson went to the doctor say we found out the real reason why she had not been there now for my opinion on the documentary which I do want to give, it wasn’t as good as I thought it was going to be if I’m a hundred percent honest I love how he brought in the therapist that he had brought in for the Jake Paul video and she talked a little bit about eating disorders and what not to say or the way to lead the conversation that wouldn’t make the person like closed off or not want to talk about it or feel triggered or uncomfortable so I really like that he took the responsibility and got someone who knew what they were really talking about to come in and give him some advice before he went to a talk to Eugenia now with his previous documentary videos they’ve gotten extremely raw and extremely real so that’s kind of what I was expecting for this documentary I was like okay this is gonna be like a huge opening up story

so as they were talking she was very very sweet she was like oh yeah you can ask me anything as long as it can help people which I think is a great attitude to have and it’s a very brave attitude to have as well well he was asking your question she was answering she said that she didn’t want to put any labels on what she had that it was just an eating disorder that she had actually gone to rehab and I think it was really great that she admitted to that because for a long time on the internet the biggest thing is that she never wanted to admit that she had a problem or that she needed help or that she was struggling

she did explain a little bit of what her life was like within the rehab program she talked about how the people they would monitor her meals to make sure she wasn’t like stashing away food or supplementing it or going into the bathroom to throw it back up afterwards like they were strict about that and how it was kind of like this whole crazy boot camp where they would regiment your schedule do weight checks but they wouldn’t actually tell you what your weight was which I think is good and if you followed the rules and if you were eating healthy and making progress and you would get like more liberties there’s another word forever I can’t think of it right now but you would get like like you would have more freedom I guess to do other things

eugina cooney

she actually said you know whenever people make me feel bad I just don’t understand like I can’t I can’t

understand me wanting to make them feel bad I just don’t want to do that to people

and I just thought that was beautiful like that’s the way I wish everybody on the internet felt so the internet wouldn’t be such a toxic place then right anymore because people can be really cruel.

Here what she said on her twitter account after the publishing of her interview with Shane Dawson

Euginia Cooney

Euginia Cooney

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