Here are 5 tricks to raise your productivity if working on your own or from home

Self-employment is now gaining more importance, but private work is not easy, especially when it is from home. Although self-employment is tempting, it is not without problems, the person may face higher tax burdens and bureaucratic obstacles, as well as a sense of economic instability.

There are alternatives such as shared offices, but most freelancers prefer to run their businesses from their homes, a decision that makes them have to convert the place of residence into an office, and separate hours clearly so that they do not work throughout the week or their productivity decreases.

The main obstacles to developing professional activity from home are the absence of direct contact with others, which can cause greater anxiety and more tension and eliminate the sense of belonging to the group, which results in a feeling of loneliness and a loss of focus due to increased distractions from work, in addition to that working days Endless and the absence of a stable lifestyle has harmful effects on health.

To motivate you and increase your productivity at work if you are self-employed or from home, the Spanish magazine “Bit Pet” proposes a set of simple techniques, which include five motivational factors, they are:

1. Say goodbye to sleeping clothes while working at home Neglecting personal hygiene, outward appearance, and wearing pajamas on a full working day, pushes your mind to procrastination and indifference, which negatively affects your productivity.

So you should shower in the morning and dress properly as if you were going to the company or office. It is preferable to separate at home between places designated for professional activity and the room in which you sleep or perform some recreational activities.

2. The ‘swallow the frog’ trick When an employee feels the fear of carrying out a task due to its complexity or boring nature, it stalled, and this affects its productivity.

Cassandra Stavro, the propecorn institution, stated that she has a workplace tradition called “swallowing a frog”.

3. Technology assistance Many applications can help the employee who works from home to focus and work enthusiastically and give his best to improve his productivity. For example, some applications can be blocked while working thanks to the Focus app, while the Trillo application helps to organize tasks.

4. Daily happiness The human brain responds in a very positive way to incentives. It is a method of encouragement that helps the mind to perform better and increase productivity. Therefore, one who works from his home should not fail to take a hot and comfortable bath before starting work.

He can go out to drink coffee with a friend, watch a new movie, or read a book before bed, and these activities should become a daily routine if they make you happy.

5. Fresh air and exercise Doing brisk walking at the beginning of the day is a stimulating and beneficial activity, and if the weather is not appropriate, you can use the YouTube channel specializing in teaching yoga exercises and discover how to stimulate deep breathing.

Before bed, it is necessary to relax and meditate in order to overcome anxiety and stress.

Source: Spanish press

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