How stress and pressure can change our lives for the better

Tensions became a common feature in the 21st century, causing a mental health crisis, and science suggests that it affected unborn babies.

In contrast, psychologists are keen to teach us that there is some kind of good, healthy and even fruitful tension.

There is a perception that stress is always damaging to the brain, but this is not true, says Amy Fleming, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Berkeley.

In fact, how your body responds to stress is crucial to survival, because it improves your performance and alertness to help you cope with what may get in your way.

Positive tension Kaufer reported that people can determine when they feel stressed, and in fact, these feelings associated with adrenaline levels help them improve their performance.

Kaufer found physiological evidence to prove the benefits of positive stress. Her team compared activity in the hippocampus, a learning and memory area, in mice exposed to constant stress and mice exposed to moderate levels of stress on the other, where the latter group saw the growth of new neurons.

The trade relations guide, Alexandra Lichtenfeld, is aware of the positive impact of positive stress, she said, adding that getting out of your safety zone gives you strength and pushes you forward, not only to improve performance but all aspects of your life.

Lichtenfeld said that when you have a difficult situation that causes stress, you have to focus differently than you used to.

On the other hand, this does not mean that we should be drifted towards extremist acts. People should be encouraged to engage in more frightening situations that pose no real threat, such as roller coaster rhetoric, speeches and job interviews.

Another key reason why we all need to test positive stress is that it is possible to turn stressful situations into positive challenges to gain benefits, said Richard Kevins, a senior psychology lecturer at Keele University.

Tension control Moreover, Kaufer pointed to a 2004 study in which researchers at the University of California, San Francisco found that women who reported high levels of stress had signs of their DNA showing aging equivalent to at least an additional 10 years.

However, what determines the effect of stress on them is their own opinion of how much stress they feel, so the way women’s bodies respond to stress, according to the tension they think they feel.

Stevens said that this situation requires control of emotion, the idea that not to abandon our feelings and the application of different strategies to achieve positive results, as well as resort to everything that can improve our moods, such as exercise and a healthy diet and enjoy a sufficient amount of Comforts.

Moreover, Kaufer explained that the minimum levels of stress in some people are higher than others, depending on their genes, family history, changes in the wombs of their mothers, as well as their brain networks, which are uncontrollable factors.

“We have to think that failure is a necessary step to achieve what we aspire to because in this way we can paraphrase what can usually be considered negative to something more positive.

Positive effects Jennifer Ragsdale, a professor of psychology at the University of Tulsa, said that we can test positive stress when our job is stressful, or by thinking of deadlines and workloads as a kind of challenge to be faced or an opportunity for growth rather than being seen as something. Impossible to achieve.

In her research, Ragsdale found that energy and enthusiasm associated with positive stress can combat fatigue, and added that people with positive stress indicators, such as feeling happy at work, have generally seen low levels of fatigue.

According to Stevens, if you experience a difficult situation that prevents you from seeing the positive side of things, you have to remember that some tension is desirable and necessary, and without the challenge comes boredom, and a life that lacks stress is not a life worth living.

Source: British Press

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