How to read the results of the blood test?

A blood test is usually performed as part of a comprehensive medical examination or prior to surgical interventions. However, this analysis includes several vague abbreviations such as LDL, GPT or RBC, whose meaning is difficult to interpret. ordinary.

If the blood test results show that one or more values ​​are outside the normal range, there is no need to worry or panic because the blood values ​​are subject to fluctuations, so you should not rely solely on the results of the blood picture analysis, but you should consult your physician about the significance of each value.

The following is a quick overview of the most important abbreviations and their values. We note here that they are for guidance only. The values ​​may vary from one laboratory to another and from one country to another, and also by age, gender and health status, and according to medical guidelines from one country to another or from a health system to another.

Blood Fat Blood lipids have several components, including cholesterol, a low-density lipoprotein called cholesterol (LDL), and a high-density lipoprotein known as cholesterol (HDL).

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) supplies the body with cholesterol produced in the liver, while high-density lipoprotein (HDL) transports too much cholesterol to the liver.

“The lower the cholesterol values, the better,” said Matthias Ort, a member of the German Association of Laboratory Physicians.

The following readings for blood fats:

Total cholesterol in the blood is recommended to be below 200 mg / dL because its elevation is associated with health risks such as atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Good cholesterol, also known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL), is good because it transports cholesterol from the organs of the body to the liver, which rid the body of it, and it is recommended that the level of this type of cholesterol more than 40 milligrams / dL, preferably 60 milligrams / DL or higher.

Bad cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), is bad because it leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in the arterial walls, which leads to its hardening and causes heart disease, and is recommended to be less than 100 mg / dL.

Triglycerides, a type of fat found in the body, the main source of food, and liver is the conversion of fat to triglycerides, and high proportion associated with health risks, so it is recommended to be less than 150 milligrams / dL.

Glucose “Glucose is also known as blood sugar, and is usually measured on an empty stomach.” Diabetes is diagnosed when fasting blood sugar exceeds 126 milligrams / dL several times, he said.

Fasting glucose between 100 and 125 milligrams / dL indicates glucose tolerance (pre-diabetes), which means an increased risk of developing diabetes in the future. Also, low glucose values ​​frequently indicate low blood sugar. This requires rapid medical action as this can be dangerous for life.

Kidney function Urea and creatinine are usually examined during a blood picture analysis, and the normal value of urea ranges from 7 to 20 mg / dL.

The normal value of creatinine starts from 0.66 to 1.09 mg / dL (women), and from 0.84 to 1.44 mg / dL (men).

If values ​​are higher, they usually indicate kidney dysfunction.

Red blood cells Red blood cells are indicated in the results of the tests (RBC) or (ERY). Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen through the body. The normal values ​​of red blood cells in men range between 4.3 and 5.6 million per microliter, In women, normal values ​​start between 4.0 and 5.4 million per microliter.

“If the erythrocyte values ​​are higher than that, it means low oxygen levels in the blood,” said Matthias Pastigkit. This results in heart and lung disease, and higher values ​​may be due to heavy tobacco consumption.

On the other hand, low erythrocyte values ​​may indicate iron deficiency, as well as an indication of an oncological disease.

Platelets Platelets are referred to in the analysis of the blood picture abbreviated (PLT) or (TRHO), which are small platelets in the form of a disk in the blood, and show the importance of platelets during blood clotting, the normal values ​​of the proportion of platelets in the blood between 150 and 400 A per microliter in women and men.

High levels of platelets usually indicate a serious infection. Platelet values ​​are important indicators of disease, and low platelet levels can indicate iron deficiency, vitamin B12, anemia or leukemia.

Hemoglobin Hemoglobin is a red blood pigment, abbreviated as HGB or HG, whose function is to bind oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The normal values ​​of hemoglobin in men range from 14 to 18 grams per deciliter, while Values ​​in women are between 12 and 16 grams per deciliter.

If hemoglobin is lower, it indicates anemia due to iron deficiency. If hemoglobin is high, the risk of strokes increases.

Hematocrit Hematocrit values ​​refer to the ratio of solid and liquid components in the blood, referred to as HCT, HKT, or HK. The normal values ​​of hematocrit range from 40 to 52% in men and between 37 and 45% in women. Advertising

High values ​​indicate thickening of the blood, so the risk of blood clots arises with an increased risk of heart disease and strokes, and low values ​​of hematocrit indicate anemia.

Source: Al Jazeera, German

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