Investigations Trump trial key witness testifies today in Congress

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The US House of Representatives will continue to hear public witnesses as part of the Democratic Party’s bid to try President Donald Trump on Wednesday. He will hear Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sundland, one of the key witnesses to the investigation into Ukraine.

Attention is drawn to the forthcoming testimony of Ambassador Sundland, who has already told administration officials that he was tasked with overseeing talks between Washington and Kyiv.

Democrats hope the ambassador assures them that Trump has demanded the resumption of military assistance to Ukraine, which Washington has frozen in exchange for Kyiv opening an investigation into the activities of Joe Biden and his son, which in their view “abuse of power”, which could expose the president to isolation.

He was a businessman who financed the Trump campaign in 2016, appointing him the last after he won the presidency as ambassador to the European Union.

During his first briefing in a closed-door session a month ago, Sundeland said under oath that he was “not involved” in actions to “freeze aid to put pressure on Kyiv,” arguing that such a move would have seemed “unfavorable” if its goal was “to influence US elections.”.

During that session, he repeated the words “I do not remember” in response to questions from deputies, but later wrote a written note stating: “I remember now that I had one-on-one conversations with Andrei Yermak (adviser close to the Ukrainian president) to tell him that American assistance would probably not arrive until it was given.” Ukraine is a declaration against corruption, which we have been talking about for weeks. " Advertising

Sundeland did not explicitly tell lawmakers it came from Trump, but others said he did, and Democrats might try to get him to confirm it in a live broadcast today.

The House of Representatives Intelligence Committee on Wednesday listened to the vice president’s advisor on European and Russian affairs, Jennifer Williams, who said Trump’s July 25 conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart was unusual and involved domestic political matters.

Army Colonel Alexander Findman said during his testimony that he listened to the call and that he informed White House lawyer John Eisenberg of his concern over Trump’s request to Ukraine to investigate Democratic candidate Joe Biden, saying that “inappropriate” behavior would undermine US national security and support strategic goals. To Russia in Eastern Europe.

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