After targeting sites in Syria, Israel is preparing for an Iranian strike

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Tel Aviv is preparing for a possible missile strike by Iranian forces in Syria in the coming hours or days in response to a dawn attack on its positions near Damascus that it said belonged to the Iranian Qods Force, Israeli security sources said.

The sources added that Israel has maintained a high state of alert in the occupied Syrian Golan, especially among the forces responsible for activating the missile systems.

This comes after the Israeli army ended a surprise military maneuvers in the occupied Golan and on the border with Lebanon, which called in thousands of reservists.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has justified the targeting of military sites near Damascus as a response to shelling from Syrian territory.

Israeli military spokesman Jonathan Conricus said the attack was “very quick and intense, and the main target was the glass facility located in the military perimeter of the Damascus International Airport,” adding that it was “the main building used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to coordinate the transfer of military equipment from Iran to Syria and beyond.” that".

An Israeli security source said the raids included three tactical targets in the Golan and six batteries belonging to the Syrian air defense system.

The Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth quoted an Israeli source as saying that about 20 people were killed in the raids on Syria, most of them Iranians.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that 23 people – including 16 non-Syrian fighters and two civilians – were killed in the bombing.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli army announced yesterday morning in Twitter that it launched a strike “on a large scale” targeting “about ten military targets” of the Syrian regime and the Iranian Quds Force, including military headquarters and warehouses, and destroyed batteries for air defense. He also announced Tuesday that his air defenses intercepted four rockets fired from Syria.

The Syrian Observatory said that the strikes led to the destruction of Syrian air defense batteries at the Mezzeh military airport, weapons depots belonging to the Iranian Quds Force in al-Kiswah area, and another warehouse near the suburb of Qudsaya and the vicinity of Sahnaya in Damascus countryside.

Source: Al Jazeera + Agencies

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