New technique for predicting marine tsunamis earthquakes

Although geologists and geologists have not yet been able to predict tsunamis, marine earthquakes and other natural phenomena that threaten mankind, researchers are still experimenting to test technologies that can predict these hazards, taking advantage of supercomputers, communications systems, satellites and information systems capable of Understand the large amount of data on small tremors and analyze them in order to produce relative results for major earthquake prediction.

In this direction, a team of geologists at the University of South Florida has devised a new technology that can detect small movements and changes in the seabed. The results of this scientific study and field tests were published in the Journal of Geophysical Researches of the Earth Sciences Journal of October 24, Last October.

High-tech float According to a statement released by the University of South Florida on November 21, the University’s geologists have developed a new high-tech shallow water buoy with GPS and a digital compass (3D direction sensor).

The buoy was installed in an area called Egmont Key in the Gulf of Mexico last year, producing data on the three-dimensional movement of the seafloor.

The buoy is located at the bottom of the sea and operates using a heavy concrete ballast that measures the rotation and other movements of the buoy by digital compass and GPS, and is able to withstand storms.

The scientific team has been successful in testing and experimenting with the buoy, its sensing system and the component of the seafloor geodesy system – geodesy – applied geoscience – in detecting small movements and changes in the seabed that are often a prelude to deadly natural hazards, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis.

Information provided by Blackjack Tim Dixon, a professor at the School of Geosciences in the United States and an expert in natural hazards, said the system is capable of detecting very small movements, as well as detecting minor changes in stress and tension of the Earth’s crust.

Dixon added that the new technology developed by his scientific team has many potential applications in oil and gas exploration and volcano monitoring in some places, but its most important application is to improve the prediction of earthquakes and tsunamis.

He pointed out that the giant earthquakes and tsunamis in Sumatra in 2004 and in Japan in 2011 are examples of the kind of events that we want to understand and predict better in the future.

Source: Aljazeera

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