Oscar dream evaporates .. Cinema theaters reject the "Irish" film

Netflix executives were surprised to announce that major cinema chains were reluctant to release their upcoming film The Irishman a few weeks before its release.

According to IndyWire, some did so in the belief that digital broadcasting platforms were a threat to the world of cinema, but the motive behind others was their objection to Netflix’s decision to screen the film only three weeks after it was released in cinemas. Producers and studios have agreed to give the film exclusivity to theaters over a period of 90 days, before moving to live streaming platforms, which in turn provides an opportunity for financial gain for theater owners or even studios.

This is what Netflix is ​​trying to circumvent year after year by offering works that capture the most important awards, in addition to attracting heavyweights at the box office, in order to please Hollywood and cinemas.

Do you qualify for the Oscars? This unexpected change in plans, put the film in a dilemma and raised a lot of question marks about his chance to run for the Oscar, the work, although one of the strongest competitors in this year’s race, and is expected to be nominated for the award for best film and best director, one of the rules to qualify for the Academy Awards requires the continuation of the film for a period not Less than seven days in Los Angeles cinemas.

In an effort to save the situation as much as possible, Netflix was set to release from early November to early December at Schubert’s Pelasco Theater in New York City, making it the first screening of the 112-year-old foundation.

Netflix plans to install theater equipment at the highest level of the theater as it can accommodate 1016 seats, with the film screening eight times a week between Sunday and Tuesday in addition to intermittent weekend shows, as well as individual performances in some of the Netflix-friendly cinemas in order to give the work a slightly wider spread on Local level.

Netflix flirt Although these offers would allow the work to be eligible for the Oscar nomination, it is not what Netflix dreamed of doing so much. Although it seems to have absorbed the wrath of director Martin Scorsese after the decision to perform at the theater of Pelasco, a move described by the site “The Virg” flirtation and give the director a sense of satisfaction.

Scorsese said he was aware of the loss he had suffered from the loss of so many great New York City theaters, including individual cinemas, but that does not negate the fact that the show at the historic Pelasco theater is a very exciting experience and a unique opportunity.

Mass production The Irishman is one of the most anticipated films of this year in general and Netflix in particular, on the one hand, is the largest production in the history of the company with a budget of two hundred million dollars, on the other hand includes crew names such as Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci.

The film premiered with the opening of the 2019 New York Film Festival a few days ago and was well-received by critics. His offer to Netflix is set for November 27.

The work, based on a true story of the 1970s, has since been a mystery in American history about the disappearance of former trade union chief Jimmy Hoffa, in which Mafia boss Frank Sheeran was involved, leaving the incident pending unanswered to this day.

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