Warnings of economic chaos in Lebanon

Lebanon is experiencing an unprecedented financial and economic crisis. The popular movement, which has not ceased its demand for 45 days for a national rescue government that works to find quick solutions to the financial and economic crises, is confronted by the ruling political class, as it calls it, which is unable to produce a new government that draws up rapid plans to curb From the deteriorating economic situation.

Tips for protection from radiation of smartphones

The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection has recommended some preventive measures to protect against the risk of radiation from smartphones. German experts explained that the first of these measures is not to use mobile phones in places where the network is weakened: the weaker the telephone network, the greater the need to operate the phone more powerful.

The best way to sit so as not to hurt your knee and thigh

Poor sitting postures are the main causes of knee and thigh pain, in which women suffer more than men. Knee pain is a recurring problem that affects people of all ages, possibly resulting in a ligament-like injury or cartilage injury, writer Francesco Sanchez said.

New technique for predicting marine tsunamis earthquakes

Although geologists and geologists have not yet been able to predict tsunamis, marine earthquakes and other natural phenomena that threaten mankind, researchers are still experimenting to test technologies that can predict these hazards, taking advantage of supercomputers, communications systems, satellites and information systems capable of Understand the large amount of data on small tremors and analyze them in order to produce relative results for major earthquake prediction.