UAP and classified aerospace platforms

The increasing difficulty to manage deterrence

Deterrence is simple in principle and a natural strategy to adopt. But when deterrence relies on new advanced weapons of which your adversaries ignores everything it is not so straightforward when it comes to implementation. We face both a conceptual and a practical challenge here. Should we come open and show the world our new weapons for deterrence to be effective, or should we keep silent and talking about extraterrestrials to covert our weapons? On the other hand, how effective is a strategy based on deterrence if our enemies don’t know about our militarty capabilities?

Let’s be clear on this: the aggressor must be confident that we, as a deterring state, have both the capability and will to carry out threats. That’s why we support coming forward and show the world our paradigm-shifting vehicles. Once they know the many UAP they’ve witnessed, and the mesmerizing orbs they’ve seen over critical infrastructures, are just ours, they will surely get the message. That’s the real disclosure. Yet, there are others who prefer to keep our weapons in the shadows and sell to the public the idea of UAP, UFOs, and the like, obviating the fact that in so doing they destroy deterrence altogether.

there is a proactive role for consciousness in the establishment of physical reality, and we clearly accept the existence of physical anomalies in human/machine interactions as well as the reality of non-sensory acquisition of information. This obviously poses a problem for manned vehicles where on-board equipment is based on quantum computers and optoelectronics. In other words, if the operator’s intention has an influence of the working condition of the hardware, then we need to either engineer a human being lacking any intentional ability, or we need to dispose of using manned vehicles.

We advocate disclosure of our current defense capabilities because we are convinced that denial strategies are inherently more reliable than punishment strategies. But there is a more prosaic explanation: our enemies do not believe in UFOs, so sooner than later they will discover those orbs in their skies are ours.

Paradigm-Shifting Vehicles - PSV - electronics is far beyond standard electronics. We already accounted for the fact that there is at least some basis for the existence of the so-called biofield effect based upon electromagnetism. Actually, our most advanced consciousness detecting systems are based on that principle. But in those designs the idea is to seed an area with femtoprobes in search for conscious life before attempting a penetration operation. But with manned PSV the problem is that the vehicle is just an extension of the pilot. The communion between the pilot’s mind and the on-board optoelectronics is so intimate that any chance of emotional expression affecting the on-board systems must be removed from scratch. Any electromagnetic field emanating from the body of the pilot must be shielded. On the basis of what we know about electromagnetism we have no reasons to expect such a field would extend much further than a few inches from the body, but even that scenario is unacceptable for a PSV.

Darwell holds the view that the so-called grey aliens are just bioengineered beings tuned to pilot PSVs, given the fact that humans cannot be part of the crew due precisely to our emotions and intentions interfering with the systems of the PSV. You need an ‘alien’ to pilot an alien craft, you see.

We don’t really need to actively deploy PSVs. See, both terrestrial- and current space-based sensor architectures are insufficient to detect and track hypersonic weapons. However, hypersonic targets are 10 to 20 times dimmer than what we normally track by satellites in geostationary orbit, thus PSVs and MilOrbs are mainly used to signal the presence of on-ground targets to which then hypersonic missiles are assigned. That’s enough to keep our current offensive capabilities.

A typical mission profile would be to use the PSV to penetrate Chinese airspace. Then, the PSV would deploy between 3 to 5 MilOrbs which will signal the target position to the long-range hypersonic missile. What you see from the ground is just a typical UFO sighting of MilOrbs being released from a triangular-shaped luminous object. Two to three minutes later, you hear a blast: the hypersonic missile has arrived. Some PSVs, notably ‘Graphium’, can even launch two AGM-183 missiles against the designated target."

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