Supporting Israel causes losses to America

The war waged by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip continues to claim more casualties among civilians and children, in light of the growing voices across the world demanding a truce and an immediate end to one of the largest massacres committed in Palestine.

There is uncertainty surrounding the scenarios for this battle in light of the demands of the occupation army to distinguish in military operations between Hamas and Palestinian civilians, at a time when it is intensifying its bombing and ground operations in the Gaza Strip.


Ibrahim Al-Madhoun, a Palestinian writer and political analyst, said that this war is the result of long accumulations and a long conflict with the Israeli occupation, highlighting that it witnessed a clear development by the Palestinian resistance, especially the Al-Qassam Brigades, which initiated the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation.

Al-Madhoun pointed out, in a statement to Hespress, that for the first time the Palestinian resistance has initiated a large-scale military operation that leads to this action and result, “Even Israel, in turn, says that it has not been exposed to such a crisis since the founding of the Zionist entity. For the first time, the enemy has been surprised in this way, and for the first time.” This number of soldiers are captured, this number of Israelis are killed, the land is controlled on this scale, the Palestinians entered the land of historic Palestine, and the resistance took control of settlements.”

He described the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation as the type that was prepared at the level of a center in the Qassam Brigades, highlighting that it is not the first confrontation that has taken place between the occupation, the Qassam Brigades and the Hamas movement, but rather the sixth, noting that the first confrontation was in 2006 when the Palestinian resistance was able to capture the soldier Gilad. Shalit, and the second confrontation was initiated by the Israeli occupation, which launched a blatant attack and aggression on all police stations and civilian centers in 2008, and the confrontation continued for 20 days.

As for the third confrontation, it was in 2012, followed by a fourth confrontation in 2014 that continued between Hamas and the Israeli occupation for 51 days, and the fifth confrontation was in 2021, a confrontation in which the Al-Qassam Brigades took the initiative to launch rockets in defense of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Regarding the difference between these events and the October 2023 operation, the spokesman said: “It is true that the previous confrontations are an extension of this confrontation, but they differ from them in terms of the initiative, strength and result with which the operation succeeded in the beginning, and in terms of the ability to defeat the occupation,” pointing out that “before In this process, the occupation viewed the Hamas movement and the Palestinian resistance as a limited tactical threat, but after the “Al-Aqsa Flood” it began to view the movement as an existential threat because for the first time it felt that its disappearance was possible, and that is why today it wants to say: To be or not to be, and the Palestinian people are saying This occupation will not continue and we will not accept it.”

Internal and external

Al-Madhoun said that the Palestinian Authority was surprised by the strength of the resistance, and until this moment has refused to condemn the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, just as it has refused to condemn the resistance and the Hamas movement, but it must do more than that, and work to mobilize the West Bank in order to support and involve the Palestinian people in the process of clashing with the occupation. He added that the Palestinian Authority “failed to provide relief to the people of Gaza who are being subjected to genocide and starvation, not to mention the shortage of medicine, drink, and food. The Authority must have a role in this context, but in general it has refused to comply with the Israeli narrative.”

As for the international community, the speaker confirmed that it is divided, indicating that there are those who are on the side of the United States of America, and that most of the countries of the world are against aggression and do not understand it, and call for it to stop and condemn the war of extermination, and some international organizations controlled by the United States America is no longer convinced by the Israeli vision, so time is on the side of the Palestinians, and exposes the criminality of the Israeli occupation. It was recorded that there are more than 120 countries with Palestine and calling for a ceasefire.

He continued in the same context, “America is losing today by participating in this aggression, in light of the presence of demonstrations in London and the United States of America, and every attempt to terrorize people and prevent them from supporting Gaza has failed, and international support is growing in favor of the Palestinian cause.”

Prisoners and the expected end

In response to Hespress’s question about the “prisoners’ deal” that was talked about, the Palestinian analyst explained that the Palestinian resistance wants to release all those imprisoned in Israeli prisons, and their number is more than 6 thousand Palestinian prisoners, including those who spent 20 years and 40 years in captivity.

He pointed out that the Palestinian resistance realizes that it can get them out with the papers and prisoners it possesses, as it can conclude a strong exchange deal, highlighting that a dialogue is taking place under fire, but the Israeli occupation does not want to submit to this deal because it considers that concluding an exchange deal is a defeat, which is what He fears him, so he continues the killing process.

The spokesman added, saying: “Nevertheless, I believe that the Israeli occupation has no choice but to go to an exchange deal in one form or another, and the Palestinian resistance knows its goal and what it wants, and I believe it is proceeding with that. I do not believe that we will witness a quick exchange process. Perhaps we will witness this process over time.” the time".

Regarding the expected scenarios for the end of this war, Al-Madhoun stressed that it is difficult to predict the results of this aggression because it is a major operation that exceeded all expectations, and in light of the presence of a major genocide and the insane use of force, as the equivalent of two nuclear bombs were launched on the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian writer stressed the need for the international community to intervene to save civilians in the Gaza Strip, adding that fighters can fight for months, and that Israel will not be able to control the Gaza Strip, and that it is unable, at the moment, to achieve a ground invasion or eliminate the Hamas movement, which is the declared goal.

According to Al-Madhoun, Hamas’s goals are realistic because it wants to liberate the prisoners and stop the Israeli aggression on Al-Aqsa, and for the occupation to lift its hand from Gaza so that it can live like the rest of the world and be capable of reconstruction and development, and for its citizens to be able to travel, and to have an airport and a port, while benefiting from the natural gas that it provides. On its coasts. “Gaza wants to live and must be allowed to live,” the Palestinian writer concludes.

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