Musk accuses Biden of lying about the immigration crisis

The billionaire and American businessman, Elon Musk, accused the American president on Sunday of lying about the immigration crisis, stating that President Joe Biden’s remarks about wanting to solve the issue of illegal immigration are “pure lies.”

Musk wrote on his page on the “X” platform: “Until these executive orders are lifted, Biden’s claims of wanting to combat illegal immigration are false.”

Musk pointed out that the massive influx of illegal immigration is caused by “94 executive orders by the Biden administration.”

The United States has witnessed record levels of illegal immigration in recent months, with border officials recording 302,000 illegal border crossings in December alone, marking the highest number in a single month. Additionally, a record number of illegal immigrants has been documented throughout the three years of Biden’s presidency.

Former President Donald Trump criticized President Biden’s border plan, describing it as a “conspiracy” to destabilize the United States during a large rally in South Carolina. Trump stated that he would end the policy of open borders immediately upon assuming office.

He added, saying: “On the first day of my administration, I will end all of Biden’s open border policies, and we will initiate the largest internal deportation operation in American history because we have no choice… we have no other option.”

It is worth mentioning that in recent times, Republicans and Democrats have been trading accusations regarding the immigration file and border security.

While the Republican Party accused the Biden administration of causing an increase in migrant flows through its adopted policies, the Democratic camp considered that Republicans, instigated by former President Donald Trump, deliberately obstructed reaching an agreement or settlement in Congress that would lead to the passage of a new law on this issue.

These clashes and accusations come as the latest opinion polls show that the immigration issue has become at the forefront of voters' concerns, perhaps even at the top of their priorities, which could ignite further enthusiasm around it in the coming days, especially on the road to what seems to be a presidential election battle primarily between Trump and Biden.

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