"Scandal of Ukraine" .. Suspicions about the complicity of Pompeo and Pines

As public hearings into the investigation into the ouster of US President Donald Trump enter their second week, there is suspicion of complicity over US Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

These suspicions were highlighted during the testimony of US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sundland, who acknowledged that Trump ordered him to work with his lawyer Rudy Giuliani on his country’s relations with Ukraine.

During his nearly eight-hour testimony, Sundeland said President Trump was pressing Ukraine to investigate the former vice-president’s son, Hunter, who is currently on the Democratic presidential nomination card, Joe Biden.

Involvement of Pompeo and Pines Sundeland revealed that Pompeo and Pence were aware of the details of the relationship management with Ukraine, as he repeatedly spoke with the State Department, the National Security Council and other officials overseeing Washington’s relationship with Kyiv, with the aim of coordinating and seeking how to obtain concessions from the new Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelinsky. President Trump asked.

The Office of the Foreign Minister was quick to issue a statement denying its relationship to the case. In a statement, the Office of the Vice President denied that he had requested an investigation into Hunter-Biden’s relationship with Borisma Gas or put any conditions on aid to Ukraine. Hunter joined Borisma’s board of directors for 50,000 dollars a month.

The gap is widening The gap between Republicans and Democrats' perception of the dimensions and events of the issue has widened. Type for Ukraine.

The Republican president is suspected in late July – in order to disburse \$ 400 million in military aid that Ukraine is supposed to receive – that Kyiv will announce that it will investigate Biden’s son, who worked between 2014 and 2019 for Ukraine’s large Borissma gas group.

Sundeland’s testimony is particularly important because he is the only witness who had direct contact with President Trump. Although Sundeland has no political or diplomatic experience, Trump appointed him after the presidency as ambassador to the European Union, where he was one of the entrepreneurs who funded his campaign in 2016.

Hard insulation The US president believes Hunter Biden is involved in corruption cases in Ukraine and accuses the former vice president of having asked to dismiss a Ukrainian attorney general to protect him.

The hearing is part of the Democrats' bid to try Trump in parliament, and Sundeland is one of the key witnesses to Ukraine’s investigation. The hearings could end this week before the House Judiciary Committee devotes itself to drafting isolation materials.

No Republican is expected to vote in the House of Representatives in favor of the impeachment resolution, and experts in American affairs rule that the Senate can isolate President Trump, especially with the control of a Republican majority in favor of Trump.

Source: Al Jazeera

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