Trump In India And What He's Doing That The MSM Isn't Telling You

Namaste, that actually means hi in Indiana, don’t worry I’m not turning a full hippie-dippie, but anyway, Donald Trump officially retweeted upon the announcement of his visit to India which we will be breaking down the significance of geopolitically, especially with all the incredible news happening around American foreign policy including the latest information about the Afghanistan Taliban peace deal that you’re not hearing about in the mainstream media, the extremely messy situation unfolding right now in Syria with Turkey Russia and China is very involved in what looks like a situation that will soon escalate to very dangerous proportions, and then, of course, we’re also gonna be talking about China Philippines there is, of course, a lot more all specifically surrounding American hegemony foreign policy, geopolitical updates that of course, you won’t hear from MSM, so I mean you don’t even hear about the topic of foreign policy being discussed in the presidential debates but it is a key important factor since American foreign policy is essentially policy of the world.