G7 Leaders, Expanding the Circle, Shift Focus to Migration and the South

The G7 Summit in Biarritz, France, was a significant event for the global economy, as the leaders of the world’s seven largest advanced economies discussed a range of pressing issues, including trade, climate change, and global security.

Flemish Nationalists Thwart Ascent of Secessionist Party in Belgian Elections

By J. D. Longstreet The Flemish Nationalists, in Belgium, have thwarted the ascent of a secessionist party in the Belgian elections. The Flemish Nationalists, who are the largest party in the Flemish region of Belgium, have been able to keep the secessionist party, the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), from gaining a majority in the Flemish parliament.

The E.U. Is Voting. It’s Never Mattered More.

The European Union is holding its first-ever direct elections for the European Parliament. The results will determine the direction of the 27-nation bloc for the next five years.

A Surging Hard Right in Europe Stumbles Over Its Own Divisions

The European Union is facing a crisis of legitimacy, with the rise of populist, nationalist parties that are challenging the very foundations of the bloc. These parties, which have gained significant ground in recent years, are united by their opposition to immigration, their skepticism of globalization, and their rejection of the EU’s institutions and values.