Taz event criticized as hostile to trans

“Transgender: Gender justice passé?”. This is the title of the “Queer Lecture” with the activist Gunda Schumann on 17. March should take place in the building of the Taz. In an announcement that was published on Monday, the issue of transgenderness was described as “a wrong way abstracting from the biological body”.

The “consequences” of this are “relapse into gender stereotypes, negation of homosexual desire, sterilization and mutilation of the bodies of young girls, extinction of the category ‘women’ (…)”.

Activists reacted to the event with outrage on Twitter. “I have no words – I am absolutely stunned that such a kind of event will take place in the @tazgezwitscher house,” wrote trans man Linus Giese on Twitter.

badly disguised as feminism. “It is” a shame “that such an event can take place in the Taz.

Queeren Kulturhauses, das is supported by the Berlin Senate.

Lederer criticized the invitation text

Culture Senator Klaus Lederer (Die Linke) described the invitation text in a statement to the Tagesspiegel as “severely irritating and informative”. The Queer Nations initiative had to seriously address criticism from the community.

“Defamation and degradation, from which LGBTIQ – and especially trans people – have suffered enough, are unacceptable. They make it respectful and productive, but urgently needed to deal with differences, impossible, “said Lederer. The Queer Nations initiative would not be promoted by the administration and he would not hold the Queer Kulturhaus association liable for the activities of the initiative.

The Taz has since responded

He had always perceived the queer cultural center E2H as a project that “connects within the queer communities and does not want to split”, says Lederer.

The Taz has meanwhile removed the announcement text from the website and asked “in particular trans and non-binary persons” to excuse the choice of words. It is currently being discussed whether the event takes place or not. Jan Feddersen has not yet responded to a request from the daily mirror.

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