The anniversary of the death of Guevara

Today, October 9, is the 52nd anniversary of the departure of the Argentinian activist Che Guevara, one of the most important revolutionary and political faces, which has become an icon of the political and human struggle. The death of Che Guevara multiple visions.

Che 1969 Produced in Hollywood two years after the execution of Guevara, it was played by Egyptian actor Omar El Sherif. The film covers the life of Che Guevara from the time he arrived in Cuba in 1956 until his death in Bolivia in 1967. At the time of his release, the film faced much criticism for appearing as a commercial investment for the name of Che Guevara and did not really care about the most influential Cuban revolution of the 1960s.

The filmmakers made no effort to present Guevara’s ideas, and director Richard Fleischer was keen to remain neutral throughout the film, without the support or bias of the revolution.

Motorcycle Diary 2004 This film is one of the most famous films on the character of Che Guevara, where he played in his twenties Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal (Gael Garcia Bernal) based on the personal notes of Che about his day’s medical student.

The film tells the story of an 8,000-mile motorcycle journey from Argentina to Peru, carried out by Guevara with his friend Alberto Granada in 1952, a period when Guevara was not a fighter, but it represents the period of political transformation that took place after the trip as a result of the scenes of poverty, cruelty and injustice He found it in Latin American countries.

The hand of Che Guevara 2006 A Dutch documentary, produced in 2006, long after Che Guevara’s death, shows how Che captured the imagination of world cinema. Unlike other films, the film does not address the story of his life, but his death. The film tries to track the location of the hand and find out its location.

The film is based on several stories of many people, each showing himself as the main character, especially with the highly sensitive tragic narrative method, eventually showing history as a large mosaic panel complemented by different pieces of different people.

Chi .. Rise and fall A Spanish documentary directed by Argentine director Eduardo Montes Bradley, filmed entirely in Cuba, about the time when Che Guevara’s remains were moved from Bolivia to Santa Clara where he was buried.

The filmmakers sought to identify Che’s real-life instead of imagining it by including real archival footage of the transfer of the remains of Guevara, as well as testimonies of gunmen and close friends of Guevara, including Alberto Granada and three members of his bodyguards, who told their memories with him, which resembles Transforming oral history into a documented date rather than losing it to the storytellers.

Che 2008 The film relies heavily on Che’s diary, so it is not written from a historical standpoint standing with or against Che, but it is closer to an epic biography, directed by director Steven Soderberg. The film was presented in two parts and won numerous awards, and images in a vibrant cinematic style.

The first part deals with the Cuban Revolution until the fall of Fidel Castro. The second part deals with Guevara’s support for the Bolivian revolution and the end of Guevara until his execution. The film is, in general, the crux of Latin American politics in the 1950s and 1960s.

Soderberg made the film entirely in filming and editing, showing a great integration of all the elements of the film, especially when watching the two parts together for 258 minutes, or approximately four and a half hours, during which Soderberg embodied a series of events and tales very complex and crazy.

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