John Afrique: The formation of the government in Tunisia is a real mystery

Amin Snoussi, in an article in the French magazine John Afrique, described the task of finding a group capable of forming a Tunisian government that would convince the majority of parliamentarians as a difficult task, given that Ennahda won less than a quarter of the seats in the parliamentary elections. To five or six parties to get a stable majority.

The writer explains that he does not say that it is impossible to form a coalition at the level of the executive, but on the contrary, but it is likely to witness an internal war, especially with the presence of Qais Said president.

The complexities of the political scene If a national unity government is formed, he said, the political orientation will be very different. One or two parties are likely to call for moderation (“the heart of Tunisia” and “long live Tunisia”), Ennahda will continue to devote political Islam, along with the president’s hybrid ideology. Qais Said blends conservative identity and radical left. In this case, the centrist parties within the coalition are likely to be isolated.

The writer continued to clarify the complexities that await the coalition government of national unity, to say that no one denies the economic liberalism of Ennahdha, and in this regard is consistent with the centrist parties more than the parties of the “right” extremist newly arrived in the House of Representatives of the People, represented by Seifeddine Makhlouf and his followers.

Therefore, the current that holds the reins and holds the keys to power will be an intermediate trend, but it will face two choices: either Qais Said or the Ennahda Party.

Duplication He adds that under the current situation, Qais Said has become more isolated, and since he does not have a party in the House of Representatives, he will need new support to try to impose his agenda on the prime minister, and vice versa: the prime minister needs support to impose his agenda on the president. Therefore, the Tunisian political scene will experience a state of duplication within the potential coalition to form a government of national unity.

The writer wondered whether the centrist parties would ally with Qais Said, to say: in fact, this remains possible.

For their part, the “Heart of Tunisia” and “Long Live Tunisia” parties refuse to participate in the government if the Ennahda Party heads the executive power. The two parties may be represented in a national unity government if their president is an “independent national figure”. Nevertheless, the Ennahda Party will succeed in extending its control, as it has done throughout the Troika period.

Accordingly, the centrist parties remain in a delicate position, because they only have the support of Qais Said in his competition with the next prime minister, and at the same time it will be difficult for them to line up because of his anti-liberal. For many, the alliance with Ennahda is a real mystery, but the centrists and Ennahdha share a common vision of the country’s economic policy.

Source: John Afrik

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