The Japanese way of living in inner peace

To be happy for many people, maybe the only goal of their lives. We all seek to find a way to enjoy, either by avoiding contact with each other and seeking to improve social status, by acquiring a large bank account, by filling life with experience, or by leaving a creative legacy.

The truth is that everyone has their own way to achieve happiness, as is the case with the Japanese who use their own ways to live in peace with what they have. The Japanese teacher, Ken Honda, offers the keys to maintaining a healthy relationship with money and knows that happiness does not come with sudden wealth.

Mary Condo Method Millions of people discovered the formula to be happy and contented with the money they own, through the bestselling book, of which seven million copies were printed, entitled “Mary Kondo Method of Personal Finance” by Japanese teacher and author, Ken Honda, which has become indispensable for one in twenty people in the region Asian. According to the author, Francesco Sanchez, in a report published in the Spanish newspaper “Confidential”.

In his latest book, Happy Money, he gives the keys to maintaining a healthy relationship with money and teaches us that happiness comes not by sudden wealth, but by knowing how to manage what we have properly.

Often, capital leads to fear, tension, and anger, as it is also likely to contribute to the erosion of personal relationships.

Therefore, it is advisable to give it the importance it deserves and not rely too much on it. In his book, Ken Honda poses two key questions. What is your personality in money management? Do you want to maintain a healthy relationship with him?

Personal and money When it comes to money. There are two situations, either you make good use of it or take advantage of you and become a slave to the materialists. Moreover, we must face our fears, discover what we have learned from our parents and grandparents and understand why money has taken over us.

For his part, Honda explained that there are five types of personalities related to money, are indifferent, hermit, hoard, wasted and addicted to making money.

These qualities combine to form subtypes that define us as participants in the use of funds. Overcoming obstacles such as anxiety, fear, suspicion, guilt, or self-neglect is possible and essential to unlocking new possibilities.

There is no single path to economic freedom. In fact, there are different access routes, depending on the personality and lifestyle we want to live.

Moreover, if you are unhappy with living in the countryside or if you are worried about the minimum amount of money and want to generate savings that allow you to live the life you want, these tips will be helpful to you, according to Sanchez.

Changing the mentality of scarcity or imperfection The Japanese teacher pointed out that in these times, society lives obsessed with money, and thus the first step to being taken towards happiness is to free the soul from the weight of possession, which is achieved through a change of mentality. The concept of insufficient funds in the world limits our potential. Therefore, re-adjusting our thinking will help us free ourselves.

Forgive and let your money wounds heal Our attitude to money is largely inherited, and as a result, we have to break the circle of “unpleasant money” we have indirectly learned and forgive those who make mistakes, including ourselves because no one is perfect. Hence, the healing process begins from those wounds that prevent us from being happy and moving towards the stream of “happy money”.

Discover talent We were all born with a talent that may still be discovered. In return, it is necessary to value them and share them with the world. To do that, we should leave the past behind and we can reach a happy flow of money.

In addition, successful people in any field tend to love their work. Once you discover your talent, obstacles and difficulties will become new challenges or adventures, that is, when you stop trapping yourself in the past, you will feel good about yourself.

Trust in life The Japanese teacher has shown that the key to making life simple is self-confidence and the people around us. Confidence in life means focusing on the present and not worrying about the future. If we can do this, we will be creative, free from the limitations and fear of the unknown, and therefore we will benefit from the pros and cons of life.

Express thanks The ability to express thanks, even in situations where things are not going well allows us to be grateful to our inner selves. When positive gratitude comes into play, we have many opportunities by attracting people.

Ken Honda explains that life is full of experiences that we should live and learn from, and we should not give great importance to money, because happiness does not require a lot of money. Creativity, risk, and gratitude open the door to new opportunities for hope and happiness.

Source: Spanish Press

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