The main etiology of depression

Depression is one of the most common and common mental disorders, and although it is widely known, its causes are rare.

Depression is an emotional disorder in which emotional pain and discomfort are expressed. This condition also includes psychological and physical symptoms, so it is necessary to assess the patient’s surroundings, including the family, said author Mark Rodriguez Castro. Or work or emotional or marital status, to diagnose and apply the appropriate treatment.

Complications of grief Depression goes beyond feeling sad, so you should distinguish between depression and sadness. The main difference is that the latter is a natural response to a painful motivation, and this expression of emotionally manifested pain is a necessary response mechanism. However, if sadness persists and becomes chronic, whether for some reason or no reason and in more severe forms, which affects the normal activity of the patient in all areas of his daily life, then we are talking about depression.

Depression is not a natural reaction, but a disease that can lead to disability. Epidemiological studies reveal that about 20% of the US population suffers from the disease.

DNA If a member of the immediate family suffers from depression (parents or siblings) this will increase the risk of this disease by 25 to 30%.

According to studies on monozygotic twins, it was found that the risk of depression in a sibling increases by up to 50% due to genetic factors. However, in dizygotic twins, this probability is significantly reduced by up to about 25%.

As science advances in genetics, genes have been found that relate to an individual’s willingness to be more or less prone to depression, such as a short serotonin vector. It is estimated that up to 214 genes may be responsible for the risk of depression.

Physiological factors Depression is associated with a decrease in a neurotransmitter called serotonin, especially in the dendrites that transmit the pulses of one neuron to another group of cells. For this reason, psychiatrists sometimes use a range of medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which increase their willingness to accept serotonin levels in depressed patients.

The prevalence of this disease has been shown to increase significantly in women, especially during pregnancy and the postpartum period due to hormonal imbalances. Postpartum depression is defined as a transient disorder that appears between two and four days after birth and disappears automatically within two weeks. Moreover, there are two types of postpartum depression, the “Baby Blues, Depression Disorder” itself.

In medicine, the name “Baby Blues” is called the mild change in the mood of the mother, which is usually accompanied by symptoms of mild depression, mainly manifested in lack of concentration, anxiety, and sadness, as well as a mood disorder and the urge to cry. This condition does not require treatment as it automatically disappears within a short time.

Conversely, in the case of postpartum depression, symptoms appear within 12 weeks and are more severe, as they can involve psychological and physical symptoms, for example, in the first case can generate a sense of futility, suicidal ideation or thoughts. Related to death. As for physical symptoms, it may include headaches and abdominal pain, which requires medical treatment.

Source: Spanish Press

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