The world is heading towards vegetarianism and these are its advantages and dangers

(AZ) An Egyptian engineer, thirty, tall, with a sporty appearance, with a sarcastic smile mixed with confusion. He says, “After our marriage, the bride prepared a table full of barbecues, but she went crazy when she left making her hands looking for a boiled egg and a piece of cheese, so I wrote on Facebook. Aliens. “And he continues,” I am not an alien, I am a normal and successful person in my working life and my marital relationship, and I do not complain of any physical or psychological symptoms. "

We asked him about the reason. He said, “I was created like this. I cannot stand seeing animals and birds being slaughtered and hanging in the markets and blood dripping from them. I don’t like seeing blood.”

Our interlocutor, then, is not an alien, but it is just a “vegetarian”, so why is the “vegetarian” causing concern, even though it is a diet followed by millions around the world?

Vegan lifestyle “Vegetarian” is a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes without eating meat, and vegetarians are divided into several sections; the most common are two main parts: the first is the “Vegetarian”, who refrain from meat only, but eat fish and animal products such as eggs and dairy products . The second is the strict vegetarian, and these depend on plants only and do not eat anything from animals or dairy and their derivatives.

In addition to two other subsections: the plant-based diet as a plant-based diet. A raw food diet means eating only raw vegetables and fruits.

With more and more people wanting to eat healthy, plant-based food, and with the boom of the plant-based industry and the multiplication of vegetarian cookbooks, botanicals have become the most popular diet in the world.

The spread of plant life Vegetarian diets have turned into a new trend followed by millions. In the United States of America, the proportion of vegetarians increased 600% in three years, and in Britain vegetarians became 7% of the population, while in Germany they numbered eight hundred thousand vegetarians, and is constantly increasing, and this spread includes countries such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, all the way to India, which is the country of vegetarians with 27%, according to Forbes.

The big cities have also become themselves a tourist market through the spread of restaurants that serve vegetarian visitors ‘meals from all over the world.

In London – which ranks first in the world in the availability of vegetarian food in restaurants, cafeterias, and street carriages – festivals and markets for vegetable food are organized throughout the year, and in Berlin, there is the Scshivelbeiner street dedicated to vegetarian food.

In New York – as well as other major American cities – there are restaurants that provide vegetarian burgers and vegan pizza alternatives. In the Polish capital Warsaw, the visitor is only one mile away from the nearest vegetarian restaurant, and Lebanese and Turkish restaurants there compete in serving vegetable kebabs and falafel.

In Canada, the city of Toronto is characterized by vegetarian cuisine provided by several restaurants, and in the Czech capital Prague, the variety of vegetarian cuisine makes it an attractive city for vegetable tourism. As for Paris, whose traditional restaurant depends on meat and fish, it has joined the international cities that attract vegetarians.

Reasons for becoming vegetarian Some switch to a vegetarian diet for reasons related to relieving animal suffering and not taking milk for its young, but the most important reasons may be the desire for good health, especially heart health.

The results of a Harvard University study revealed that the risk of heart disease among people eating healthy vegetarian food decreased by approximately 25%. In addition to the fear of diseases caused by cows injected with antibiotics and hormones, salmonella infection transmitted by chickens, and toxic mercury that some fish may contain.

A segment of vegetarians also has environmental motives, with the intention of contributing to the preservation of the environment by reducing the level of carbon emissions and toxic gases in the air. Evidence indicates that the climate is affected by the population’s nutritional options. Exhaust two cars, so giving up meat consumption could reduce gas emissions by nearly 60%, according to the BBC.

Recidivism from the vegan A study on American food habits revealed that 87% of those who decide to become vegetarians return to eating meat again for many reasons, including getting used to the taste of meat, as it is linked to human habits and strong memory towards what it consumes from foods and flavors. And not finding a similar taste in vegetarian food, no matter how similar the flavor with meals prepared from the meat. In addition to not providing the body with the food it requires, in many cases, the body gives signals that it needs to eat food rich in fat, and it is impossible to replace it with the last vegetable.

Low weight and fatigue, because the transition to the plant causes shock to the body and a decrease in calories. Finally, the high cost due to the exaggeration of vegetarian products restaurants. The green mushroom fruit in the vegetarian system exceeds the price of a hundred grams, including ten dollars, which is a sum that buys a meal for two people from a fast-food restaurant.

The other view is in vegetarianism A study conducted by a scientific team at the Austrian University of Grass, which included 1,320 people, found that 14 chronic diseases are more dangerous among vegetarians than among carnivores. For example, the percentage of allergic diseases among vegetarians is 30.6 compared to 16.7% among carnivores.

As for cancer diseases, it is 4.8 compared to 1.8%. Also, heart stroke was 1.5 to 0.6%. The percentage of mental illness – especially depression – rises to 9.4 compared to 4.5% for ordinary people.

Source: Al-Jazeera

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