This is how the people of the world came under the control of Google

New documents revealed that Google was collecting users' personal data through strategies similar to those used by Facebook, which violate the privacy of users and infiltrate their accounts and sell to companies, in order to improve its financial resources and increase revenue.

In his report, published by the website “Diplomatic Diplomat” US, writer Sajid Abidi about the methods used by Google to spy on users.

One of the main methods you use to monitor user data is by downloading and installing certain applications from Google Play. Filters are among the most vulnerable.

Spy agencies are Google’s most important customers Spy agencies posed the greatest threat to young people and adolescents, with the help of Google designers who are familiar with the perceptions of this age group in many countries around the world and their preferences in cyberspace.

With teenagers using filters in large numbers of parts of the world, Google has launched an extensive program to infiltrate users under the age of 13.

Cybersecurity experts said after the disclosure of new information about Google’s spy on the Internet, that even with the receipt of such information, Google is still working more transparent than Facebook. To counter such actions from Google and Facebook, users' systems should be more secure than before, and be familiar with the new methods used to hack into their accounts.

“Certainly, Facebook and Google are still under attack, even if their operating methods change, due to their excessive cooperation with the security services and private companies.”

In general, Google can be considered the best and largest Internet service provider in various fields, and the rules contained in its own site and all the services it provides that the company stores the data of each user on its servers to provide better service.

In addition, Google Virtual Maps explicitly shows when installing and providing services that it monitors all user geographic information for better service. However, after a lengthy review, the Associated Press, in cooperation with Princeton University, revealed that in some cases Google had taken over personal data without permission from users.

Instead of being part of the Internet, Google itself has become the Internet, according to the official. More than 2.5 billion Android smartphones from Google were used worldwide in 2018, along with more than 1 billion. A worldwide Internet search is done using Google’s engine, watching more than a billion minutes of videos a day on YouTube, as well as more than a billion active accounts on Gmail.

The beginning of the cooperation of Google and the US government Google, which was founded in 1998, made its first political deal with the US government six years after its inception. By satellite. In 2004, Google acquired the company for a formal partnership with the US government.

During the same year, Google signed a \$ 2.1 billion contract with the US National Security Agency, which forced the global Internet giant to scan Internet searches in 24 different languages.

In 2007, Google partnered with Lockheed Martin, the largest military equipment manufacturer, to provide useful information during the Iraq war, as well as its partnership with the National Geographic Intelligence Agency in 2010.

Under the current circumstances, it is impossible to imagine living without the services provided by Google, such as the Android operating system, weather application, web browser, YouTube, e-mail service, Chrome browser, and hundreds of other public services that we deal with throughout the day. Therefore, we will face a major problem if we decide to abandon the use of its services.

Professor Jonathan Meyer, a Princeton University executive, warned that 2.5 billion Android smartphone users and even hundreds of millions of Apple phone users using apps like Google Maps are being spied on a daily basis.

“We acknowledge that we are re-using geographic information about users once the registrar storage process is deactivated. We are tracking users as the aim is to improve the quality of the services provided by the Google platform,” a Google spokesman said in the first response to the allegations. We never use this data to spy on them. "

The author concluded that although Google denied the charges of spying on users, the US Supreme Court is currently reviewing the case against Google on several charges, including spying on users.

Source: Websites

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