Tips for choosing a last-minute gift that everyone likes

Buying a gift well thought out is important, especially if you are sure that it will be liked by the person you will give it to, but you may be in trouble and not know what gift to buy for someone you know, especially while you know that time is running out of you.

But choosing a last-minute gift is a difficult challenge, writer Alan Henry says in a report published in the New York Times, providing the most important advice for choosing a last-minute gift.

Think about things that are used daily Being able to put yourself in the shoes of another person, and thinking about what it means to live his life, and understand his feelings is one of the necessary things to present a wonderful gift, perhaps the person who wants to give him a gift needs a new book to read, or to subscribe for a few months for free in a music broadcast service or TV channel service His favorite, and if he is driving the car you can give him a suitable travel Cuba, to keep his coffee warm on his way to work.

Think about his day at work. You can give him a beautiful bag to transport lunch to the office, or a key chain that collects all the keys he has. As for his spare time, if the person you want to give him a gift is fond of electronic games, it will be easy to buy a gift at the last minute, and you can give him PlayStation Store gift cards or Xbox Live service.

And if you don’t have much information about the way this person spends his day, you can think about the way you spend your day and the things that bother you both and don’t forget those little touches because they are enough to turn a regular gift into a gift that impresses the recipient.

Food and drink gifts will rejoice the recipient Think about the foods or drinks that the recipient likes, and you can choose a gift of this kind. If the recipient loves ice cream, you can choose a distinct group of ice creams and gift them to them, and think about food and drink baskets that are specially made according to the recipient’s preferences.

It is noteworthy that these gifts take less time when searching, and the recipient will enjoy them for weeks or months.

Think of the gift as an experience Sometimes the best gifts are not necessarily material purposes that can be used, but experiences that can be enjoyed, you do not have to give the recipient a full vacation, but rather you have to think about something else such as visiting a bookstore or music CD store and enabling the recipient to experience a beautiful experience, give him a gift Tangible and spend time with him, and that will be much better valued than just the gift itself.

If the recipient does not have a subscription card in the library, consider taking him to get one, and when you do this you support the neighborhood library, and you and the recipient get paper books, e-books, music, movies, etc., not to mention the activities and events that usually happen in the library.

You can plan a trip to a museum you’ve always wanted to visit, check the museum’s website to see if there is a private gallery or event you want to attend, think of a trip to another city or visit a national park and spend some time outdoors.

A day for some fitness training is a great gift if the recipient really wants to.

In addition, cooking lessons are a great option for anyone, whether they already know how to cook or want to learn.

You can also give the recipient a different kind of fun, such as an escape room or a group adventure to solve a puzzle, and for those who want to get rid of pressure, check if there is an anger room in your area (a room for which you pay money and allows you to break things in it to vent your anger), and from Regardless, the recipient will feel much better no matter what gift you choose.

Many of these experiences require paying money, but if you live in a place where parks and museums are available for free, you do not have to spend a lot of it, the key is to think more about the experience that you want to provide, and ideally make sure that you are part of the equation if you think this will make Experience is better, think of it as an opportunity to make memories and to do something truly special.

Source: New York Times

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