US House Intelligence Committee approves Trump's impeachment

Washington – The US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee on Tuesday approved a report dismissing US President Donald Trump, the Bloomberg News Agency reported.

The Committee adopted the report by 13 votes to 9. Republicans on the House will have their own vision within two days, after which Commission Chairman Adam Schiff will send the report to the Judicial Committee.

Earlier on Tuesday, the commission published a draft of its report on the impeachment of the US president, accusing Trump of damaging national security and intimidating actual and future witnesses.

The US House of Representatives is investigating the dismissal of Trump over a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelinsky, who called for an audit of the activities of Vice President Joe Biden’s son in Ukraine.

Biden is seeking the Democratic nomination for the US presidential election next year to Trump. The report said the investigation “revealed several months of efforts by Trump to use the powers of his office to seek foreign interference in his favor in the 2020 presidential election.”

“Using the authority of the president’s office and exercising his authority over the executive branch, President Trump ordered and campaigned to conceal his behavior from the people and thwart and obstruct the achievement of accountability by the House of Representatives,” the report said.

In London, Trump said he wanted his administration to testify in isolation, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, but only during a Senate trial.

“I want them to testify in the Senate,” Trump told reporters during a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of a NATO summit in London.

Trump has previously refused to allow his administration officials to testify in the House inquiry.

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