What are the causes of testicle pain

Most men are concerned when they experience pain in the testicles, but not all pain is an indication of a serious illness. And there is no reason to worry if a man feels pain in the testicles during or after intercourse. But the pain may be an indication of inflammation, and here it is advisable to see a doctor, especially if the pain is persistent.

The German website Abbotiken Omchau lists the most important symptoms and causes of testicle pain:

Testicular cancer: Although testicular cancer does not usually hurt, and its symptoms are a solid swelling or knot in the testicles, but the pain may appear very late. Doctors recommend examining the testes and examining them from time to time because the chances of cancer treatment are very great.

Most men are concerned when they experience pain in the testicles, but not all pain is an indication of a serious illness. And there is no reason to worry if a man feels pain in the testicles during or after intercourse. But the pain may be an indication of the presence of inflammation, and here it is advisable to see a doctor, especially if the pain is continuous.

The German website Abbotiken Omchau lists the most important symptoms and causes of testicle pain:

Testicular cancer: Although testicular cancer does not usually hurt, and its symptoms are a solid swelling or knot in the testicles, but the pain may appear very late. Doctors recommend examining the testes and examining them from time to time because the chances of cancer treatment are very great.

Testicle inflammation: If a man feels pain in one of his testicles accompanied by swelling or redness, then the cause is probably inflammation. Pains appear in only one testicle and rarely in both, and they may be accompanied by a headache, fever, and fatigue.

Urinary tract infections: The so-called epididymitis occurs when the bladder, urinary tract or prostate becomes inflamed, in which case the germs rise from the sperm ducts to the epididymis. Symptoms may appear as back pain or abdominal pain. In this case, it is advised to visit the doctor quickly, because lack of treatment may lead to damage to the testicle tissue and consequently to infertility. Doctors with testicles are advised to stay in bed and place a cold-filled bag of ice under the testes to cool them.

Hernia: One may feel pain in the testicles that resemble colic, as well as pain when coughing, and this often results in thickening or swelling in the area of ​​the upper thighs or in the testicle itself. Here, the specialist can examine the hernia and perform surgery.

Testicular torsion in children and young adults: Torsion of the testicles is intended to mean that the testicle wraps around the blood vessels that supply it with blood. The cause is usually a birth defect of the scrotal testicle. Most often this sprain occurs in infants and young adults, and its symptoms are sudden sharp pain in the testes and upper thigh with swelling and redness in the affected testicle, which often becomes slightly higher than the other testicle. Symptoms of testicular torsion also include nausea, vomiting, and circulatory problems.

The sprain of the testicle stops the blood from reaching it, and it turns blue. In this case, the testicle must be quickly returned to its normal shape, otherwise, it may die. This is done through surgery. When suspicious of a child’s testis, it is advised that he be quickly transferred to the emergency department of the nearest hospital.

Pain in the testicles after intercourse A man may feel pain after intercourse because the testes are more sensitive. This is normal and does not cause concern. This often occurs when the ejaculation does not occur or the erection lasts longer. The reason is due to a large amount of blood that reaches the genitals, which may lead to spasms in the muscles of the sperm ducts.

Source: Deutsche Welle

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