What makes Trump obedient to Erdogan?

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan often finds a listening ear from US President Donald Trump and the relationship is unusual, during which the Turkish president is used to persuading Trump to take positions that put him at odds with his national security aides and his Republican allies, The New York Times said.

The paper said Erdogan had spoken three times with Trump this year and that Trump had agreed to what he wanted.

Trump surprised his national security team last December with his surprise decision to withdraw US troops from Syria to make way for Turkey to enter Syria.

Function examples Last Sunday there was a conversation between the two men, after which Trump made a similar decision. In June, Trump emerged from a meeting with Erdogan to echo Turkish President Barack Obama’s blame, saying that it was Obama who pushed Ankara to buy Russia’s S-400 missile defense system.

Trump, who faces a fierce Republican backlash on Monday, warned that he would “completely destroy and destroy the Turkish economy” if Erdogan crosses certain borders in Syria.

Trump will again give Erdogan a listening ear. Trump announced on Twitter yesterday that the Turkish president will visit the White House on the third of next month.

Fixed pattern Erdogan is one of many powerful foreign leaders criticized by human rights groups, and Trump is keen to build partnerships with them, such as Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The New York Times goes on to draw similarities between Trump and Erdogan, saying that both are nationalists, have stood up to their country’s security institutions, have a similar outlook on the world, and Trump wants to govern the way Erdogan rules.

She said that Trump knew Turkey before becoming president through real estate. He sold his brand name to Trump Towers in Istanbul in 2010, but like his predecessors, he found it difficult to devise a firm policy toward Turkey.

Flatter and mysterious relationship Rather than formulating a US policy with Turkey, Trump focused on his personal relationship with Erdogan in talks that people know as “flattering” by Trump. In clear courtship.

For some former US officials who have worked closely with Erdogan’s government, the relationship between the two men is a mystery that has not yet been resolved.

The newspaper quoted Phil Gordon, a former State Department official under Obama, as saying that he does not understand what can return to Trump or America of this relationship and this is consistent with his ambiguous relationship with Putin, which serves the interests of Russia more than the interests of America.

The director of Turkey’s research program at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Soner Cagaptay, said that Trump is trying hard to avoid sanctions against Turkey because he is trying not to damage his relationship with Erdogan.

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