when Trump recounts the strike against General Soleimani

In a meeting with donors to the Republican Party, the White House tenant recounted on Friday the final moments of the Iranian general, killed on January 3 by an American strike.

Donald Trump took advantage of an audience won over to his cause to deliver a very personal account of the last hours of Qassem Soleimani on Friday. In the presence of Republican Party donors gathered at his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, he gave new details on the death of the Iranian general, who was killed in Baghdad on January 3 by the American army.

According to him, before the strike that targeted him, near the airport of the Iraqi capital, Soleimani “said bad things about our country”, according to an audio recording released on Saturday by CNN. “He was supposed to be invincible,” said Trump. “He said, like,” We’re going to attack your country, we’re going to kill your people. " I said, “How long do we have to listen to this shit?” "

" Two for the price of one " Donald Trump then reproduced the scene, imitating the soldiers who addressed him while he followed the operation simultaneously from the United States. “They said,” Sir – and you know, it comes from cameras miles in the sky. They are together, Sir They have two minutes and eleven seconds to live. They are in the car. They are in an armored vehicle that is running. Sir, they have about a minute to live, sir … 30 seconds, 10, 9, 8 … “And then suddenly,” boom “. “They are no longer there, sir.” "

The American president was delighted to have eliminated “two for the price of one” because Abou Mehdi al-Mouhandis, lieutenant of Soleimani and leader of the coalition Hachd al-Chaabi, was also killed by the American strike.

Donald Trump acknowledged that the strike had “shaken the world,” but Soleimani “deserved to be hit hard,” he said. “Because he was mean, he killed hundreds of thousands of people and thousands of Americans,” added the American president to the Iranian general.

A few days after Soleimani’s death, Iran retaliated by firing missiles against American targets in Iraq but did not kill anyone. In the wake of these reprisals, the Iranian army, however, shot down “by mistake” a Ukrainian airliner departing from Tehran, killing 176 people.

By V.G. with AFP

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